Ejercicio de comprensión lectora en inglés
Enviado por sara725 • 3 de Septiembre de 2015 • Trabajo • 2.297 Palabras (10 Páginas) • 173 Visitas
Primero lee las preguntas en cada uno de los ejercicios. (1 Pto. c.u.)
Luego lee el texto para contestar correctamente lo que se te pide.
PARTE A. Escribe la letra que corresponda a la respuesta correcta. a) Mimi b) Frederick c) Both 1. _(___)_ is from Arline. 2. _(___)_ doesn’t feel old. 3. _(___)_ thinks the older the better. 4. _(___)_ lives alone. 5) _(___)_ thinks the older the more dependence. | PARTE B. Escribe V (verdadero) ó F (falso) en el paréntesis. 6. Frederick was born in 1918. ( ) 7. He is married. ( ) 8. Frederick doesn’t scold his wife any more. ( ) 9. Mimi’s grandchildren visit her once a week. ( ) 10. Mimi can read a lot now. ( ) |
PARTE C. Contesta las preguntas de acuerdo a la lectura.
11. How old is Mimi? ___________________________________________________________________
12. Does she feel old? ___________________________________________________________________
13. Who does Frederick live with? ______________________________________________________
14. What was Mimi’s job? ______________________________________________________
15. What’s Mimi’s health problem? ______________________________________________________
Old People
Mimi Martin, Age 88. I want to tell you, I don’t feel old, but my eyes, ears, and legs tell me I am. I used to work in a library where I am from, Louisiana, and I had a big library myself, over one hundred books, but I can’t read any more. My mind works all the time. When you get old, you lose your independence. But I’m lucky, my children and grandchildren are very nice to me, they don’t live with me, but come to see me every weekend, and I go out with them once a month.
Frederick H. Stephens, Age 96. You have to admit when you grow older that you also grow better. Better, because you have time to ponder and forget your sins of omission. They are in the past. I don’t scold my wife as much as I used to, and she doesn’t scold me as much as she used to. She’d scold me because I didn’t take my nap. I admit she did it because she loved me and wanted me to take care of myself. And I’d scold her because she did too much work. I’d do it probably for the same reason. Here in Louisiana now Arline and I get along very nicely, just the two of us; miles away from where we are from.
Primero escucha a tu maestro con atención para después contestar lo que se te pide. (1 Pto. c.u.)
PARTE A. Escribe el año en el que ocurrieron los eventos: 1.- Mark Twain was born in _______. 2.- ‘The adventures of Tom Sawyer’ was in ______. 3.- Mark Twain died in _______. | PARTE B. Escribe V (verdadero) ó F (falso) en el paréntesis. 1 .- Mark Twain was born in the U.S.A. (___) 2 .- He worked as a painter when he was young (___) 3 .- Mark Twain got married in 1817 (___) 4 .- He wasn’t a waiter (___) |
PARTE C. Contesta las siguientes preguntas:
1.-What was Mark Twain’s real name? ____________________________________________________________________
2.- Why was he famous? ____________________________________________________________________________
3.- Who was his wife? ____________________________________________________________________________
Primero lee las preguntas cuidadosamente y luego procede a leer el texto para contestarlas.
I Completa las siguientes oraciones de acuerdo a la lectura.
- Flats or _________ are appropriate for women in warmer climates.
- Many people who work with computers wear __________ clothes.
- Some companies have rules about what to wear. These rules are called dress ______
II.- ESCRIBE V (verdadero) ó F (falso)
4. ( ) Some Asian men don’t wear formal in the office.
5. ( ) She only buys expensive clothes