Ejercicios inglés " Goint to..."
Enviado por yoarisn • 15 de Septiembre de 2022 • Práctica o problema • 250 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 65 Visitas
República Bolivariana de Venezuela[pic 1]
Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación Universitaria
Instituto Universitario de Nuevas Profesiones
Extensión Valencia
Going To
Rujano Yraida
Ingles II
Valencia, Marzo de 2022
- I am going to present the exam tomorrow
- Mary is gong to travel to your house in London
- He is gong to eat spaghetti with meat
- William is going to film a documentary about my life
- The boys are going to do a concert the next week
- Chris is going to record a new album
- I am going to play videogames
- I am going to study in the university
- I am going to do my biology homework
- Mary will go to Caracas in a her car
- Our family is going to build a new house near of yours
- We are going to go to Paris to see some Friends
- Karina is going to buy a new black car
- Steve will met her girlfriend Daisy
- I am going to drive around the city this night
- Antonella is going to dance with her new friend
- I am going to turn 22 years old
- Celina is going to receive her new car
- Alexa is going to have a baby, she is pregnant
- Gabriela is going to turn 50 years old tomorrow
- It is going to snow this night
- The concert is going to be the best of the year
- This son gis going tobe very famous
- They are going to get marry on Sunday
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