- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ejercicios inglés " Goint to..."

Enviado por   •  15 de Septiembre de 2022  •  Práctica o problema  •  250 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  65 Visitas

República Bolivariana de Venezuela[pic 1]

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación Universitaria

Instituto Universitario de Nuevas Profesiones

Extensión Valencia

Going To


Rujano Yraida


Ingles II

Valencia, Marzo de 2022


  1. I am going to present the exam tomorrow
  2. Mary is gong to travel to your house  in London
  3. He is gong to eat spaghetti with meat
  4. William is going to film a documentary about my life
  5. The boys are going to do a concert the next week
  6. Chris is going to record a new album
  7. I am going to play videogames
  8. I am going to study in the university


  1. I am going to do my biology homework
  2. Mary will go to Caracas in a her car
  3. Our family is going to build a new house near of yours
  4. We are going to go to Paris to see some Friends
  5. Karina is going to buy a new black car
  6. Steve will met her girlfriend Daisy
  7. I am going to drive around the city this night
  8. Antonella is going to dance with her new friend


  1. I am going to turn 22 years old
  2. Celina is going to receive her new car
  3. Alexa is going to have a baby, she is pregnant
  4. Gabriela is going to turn  50 years old tomorrow
  5. It is going to snow this night
  6. The concert is going to be the best of the year
  7. This son gis going tobe very famous
  8. They are going to get marry on Sunday



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