Enviado por PLEM • 25 de Septiembre de 2013 • 627 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 368 Visitas
Colegio Pedro de Valdivia - Agustinas
English Department 2010
Name: _____________________________________ Course: _____
Question Word Order Handout
a) When making a question people have to bear in mind that the verb to be in simple present tense and simple past tense is the exception to the rule. This means that no auxiliar is used when making a question. The use of a Wh-question word depends on what you are asking.
+ Subject + ……………….
E.g. - Are you sad?
- Is Paul at home?
- What time is Paul at home?
- Were you here yesterday morning?
- Why were you here yesterday morning?
b) When making a question you have to bear in mind that an auxiliary or modal is used before the subject. The use of a Wh-question word depends on what you are asking.
+ Subject + Verb + ………..
E. g. - Does she dance?
- Where does she dance?
- Can you draw this map?
- When can you draw this map?
However, if you are asking for the subject you cannot use it in the question.
E.g. Who works in this place?
Who took care of you after the earthquake?
c) Some common question words are:
What= qué, cuál what time= a qué hora
what... for= para qué what kind of= què tipo de
which=cuál who= quién
who ... with= con quién who ... for = para quién
whose=de quién where= dónde
where .... from= de dónde when = cuándo
why= por qué
how= cómo how old= cuántos años
how much= cuánto how many= cuántos
how long= cuánto tiempo how many times=cuántas veces
how far= a qué distancia how good= que tan bueno
how well= qué tan bien how often= con qué frecuencia
how fast= que tan rápido
I Complete the gaps using one of the question words above and form meaningful questions.
1. _______________ do you like best? Listening to music.
2. _______________ does Bill get up in the morning? I think at eight thirty.
3. _______________ is Mike? I believe he is fifteen.
4. _______________ did the Robinsons live? In Padua, Italy.
5. _______________