Material Didactico Ingles Vebos To Be
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Gramática Inglesa - English Grammar - Inglés Comercial- Listening - Ejercicios
Conjugación verbo be (ser o estar)
infinitivo: to be
presente: am / is / are
pasado: was / were
participio: been
Modo indicativo
Presente (present): yo soy, tú eres, él es ...
sintaxis: sujeto + presente
I am It is
You are We are
He is You are
She is They are
Pretérito imperfecto /pasado simple (past simple): yo era, tú eras, él era...
sintaxis: sujeto + pasado del verbo
I was It was
You were We were
He was You were
She was They were
Pretérito perfecto compuesto (present perfect): yo he sido, tú has sido, él ha sido...
sintaxis: sujeto + have / has + participio del verbo
I have been It has been
You have been We have been
He has been You have been
She has been They have been
Pluscuamperfecto (past perfect): yo había / hube sido, tú habías /hubiste sido, él había /hubo sido...
sintaxis: sujeto + had + participio del verbo
I had been It had been
You had been We had been
He had been You had been
She had been They had been
Futuro (future): yo seré, tú serás, él será...
sintaxis: sujeto + will + verbo en infinitivo
I will be It will be
You will be We will be
He will be You will be
She will be They will be
Futuro perfecto (future perfect): yo habré sido, tú habras sido, él habrá sido...
sintaxis: sujeto + will have + participio del verbo
I will have been It will have been
You will have been We will have been
He will have been You will have been
She will have been They will have been
Condicional (conditional): yo sería, tú serías, él sería...