El articulo en ingles
Enviado por Santi Sanchez Martinez • 30 de Marzo de 2020 • Resumen • 601 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 122 Visitas
A / AN:
Se usa con los nombres contables en singular.
- Para referirse a algo en general: You will need a pen and an exercise book.
- Cuando mencionamos algo por primera vez ( para mencionarlo por segunda vez se usa the): There was a terrible storm last night. The storm swept across the whole country.
- Con los números y con las fracciones: a hundred, a quater.
- Cuando significa ‘every’ con expresiones de tiempo, pesos y medidas: we came to classes twice a week.
- Para describir el trabajo o la situación de una persona: she’s a lorry-driver / he’s a old-age pensioner.
- Delante de las profesiones: a lawyer.
- Detrás de half.
No tiene plural, pero se puede sustituir por some / any para indicar cantidad indeterminada:
A few (people) = some
A little (help) = some
Few ( people) = not many
Little (help) = not much
A : cuando la palabra que le sigue comienza por consonante o por la vocal ‘u’ pronunciada como /ju:/
AN : cuando la palabra que le sigue comienza por vocal.
- Para referirnos a algo que ya ha sido previamente mencionado: A man phoned last night. What did the man want?
- Con los nombres contables en singular cuando significan un invento, un descubrimiento o una especie o animal: The computer has revolutionized office sistems.
- Con los suprlativos: you can buy the best pizzas in town at Paulo’s.
- Con los adjetivos usados como nombres en plural: The British and the French agreed to build a channel tunel.
- Con los nombres de ciudades o grupos de islas que están en plural: I live in de U.S.
- Con los nombres de ríos, océanos y mares: Paris lies on the Seine.
- Para hablar de personas, lugares o cosas especificas: The books I bought yesterday.
- Cuando sólo hay una cosa de la que hablamos: The sun.
- Cuando está claro acerca de qué hablamos: She opened the door and went into the flat.
- Con los instrumentos musicales: I play the piano.
- Para hablar de cosas o personas en general: Books.
- Con next / last + week / month / year / summer / monday...
- Con los deportes, las comidas y las asignaturas.
- Con good at.
Without the | With the |
In school, at school, go to school (as a pupil) | The school (the building) |
In class (as a pupil) | |
At university, go to university (as a student) | |
At college, to college, go to college (as a student) | |
In prison, go to prison (as a prisoner) | The prison ( as a visitor) |
In jail, to jail, go to jail (as a prisoner) | |
In hospital, go to hospital (as a patient) | The hospital ( as a visitor) |
In church, at church, go to church (at a service) | The church ( the building) |
To market | The market (offer sth for sale) |
In town, go to town, leave town (you home town) | The town center, the city, the village |
At home, go home, come home | In the house, to the house, in the home |
Go to work, leave work, at work | The office, the factory |
In bed, go to bed ( to rest or sleep) | Sit on the bed, make the bed |
At sea (= sailing), go to sea (as a sailor) | On the sea, by the sea, at the seaside, on the coast, to the coast. |