- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Articulo Habitos Saludables Ingles

Enviado por   •  19 de Abril de 2014  •  675 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  2.796 Visitas

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The following work is based on the use of a series of words and common connectors in the area of English, which are mainly aimed at strengthening the newsrooms of short texts on topics of everyday life.

1. Compose a short article for a fitness magazine to express your health habits and how often you practice your favorite sport.


Healthy habits are all conduct and behavior that we have assumed to themselves and affect virtually in our physical, mental and social well-being. A healthy diet, good hygiene linked to postural regular physical exercise can help reduce the frequency of preventable chronic diseases and even improve the quality of life of people upon reaching old age.

There are a number of factors that predispose a state of overall health and ideal, such as:

Adequate food.

Regular physical activity.

Adequate rest.

Consume alcohol in moderation or abstain altogether.

Refrain from smoking and snuff consume other drugs.

The proper posture and hygiene habits.

Ability to cope with stress

Eating a balanced diet is essential for good health, but also, what is physical exercise regularly, which must be suitable to our possibilities and our age.

Every day more people join the practice some kind of sport. We are increasingly aware of the importance of caring for our health, and the sport we are undoubtedly one of the best ways to keep all levels: physical, mental, emotional and even social, with the inclusion of technology and social networks that allow us to find other people with a common interest, people with whom to share our favorite activity.

In my daily life healthy habits are very important; my diet is very balanced, nutritious and rich in protein components, based on fruits, vegetables mainly. I avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and psychoactive substances that may be harmful to health; I characterized by good hygienic habits.

My favorite sport is basketball, I've been practicing 10 years pregnant; I spend eight hours weekly, I belong to a community team performance and I very well this area. The practice of this series of habits and activities make me feel full of energy, health and enthusiasm to move forward.

“Eating well is not enough to be healthy. Moreover, one must exercise, whose effects must also be known. Combining both factors constitute a system. If there is any deficiency in food or exercise, the body sick.”

2. List of words you should use the main idea, supporting ideas and conclusion of your text.

List words and connectors

WORD LIST: Healthy Habits, behaviors, physical, mental, social well-being, healthy eating, healthy posture, exercise, disease, health factors, practice, sports, basketball, team, community, performance, power, area, daily life fruits, vegetables, consumption, substances,


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