Enviado por Kirby Knight • 25 de Septiembre de 2015 • Apuntes • 1.315 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 116 Visitas
In this essay, we will talk about Marxism and social situations (classes) in America.
The word class is derived from the latin classes, of calare, call, summoning Greek kaleis makes equal sense, used to refer to each of the groups in which the Roman censors distributed to citizens according to his fortune. Although the census is guided by a statistical purpose, classes involving a distinction, according to the mayorpoder or social prestige, according to wealth. Classicus was the first kind of census, and hence individual derives the enaltecedor sense that this adjective has come into. With reference to the modern social structure, the word appears with Adam Smith ('poor kind' or 'working class'). The most important writers of this theme are Marx and Engels, contributed to generalize the expression. In this way, the Word takes its current meaning in the European sociology, indicating a specific and concrete form of social stratification. In United States have taken considerably more to accept the concept and theory, surely because there the phenomenon of social classes has had and still has different characters than in Europe, and still study it within the general problem of stratification social, together, to the issue of the scale of prestige, which, as we shall see, is something very different.
The social and economic well-being of the United States through modern times is an example of harmony between classes for a short time. There has always been envious of the lower to the upper class, it is a human condition, but this envy is diluted when it enjoyed a general welfare.
The socio-economic strata in the United States are well defined by their income, which is controlled by the system of tax payments.
Classes are: 1-poor, 2.-class medium low, 3.-upper middle class, 4.-rich.
Unlike other countries where there are only rich and poor class or others where there are three kinds of poor, rich and just a middle class.
The poorer classes that earn less than $10,500.00 per person or less than $25,000.00 per family, this class receives social benefits which guarantee a monetary supplement to your entries or lack of tickets, seals food, cheap housing, medicines and hospitalization without limits and other various benefits.
Let's jump to the lower middle class, to come back later with more details, and are going to upper middle class, people who earn more than $250,000.00 to $1,000,000.00 and rich class who earns more than $1,000,000.00. These classes are that pay most of the taxes for the benefits that receive poor class. Discussion among the political persuasions of this kind is in theories about whether raise taxes to provide more income to the State, or deduct the taxes so they produce more capital and pay more taxes per volume to create more sources of work. But these classes do not need aid from the Government, although we are lately seeing certain financial incentives by the Government to private institutions, that there had never been in the market economy
We then return to the lower middle class, this is the kind that earn more than $25,000.00 and less than $250,000.00 per family. This class in normal economic conditions has always developed as well as from other countries rich class. But the economic downturn in the United States, recession, unemployment, inflation, and the result of excesses by lack of individual responsibility, exceeding in the style of life, with credit cards, homes with mortgages above their economic possibilities, he has done that this class is suffering a malaise as ever in the United States.
United States fear of Marxist ideology by its ineffectiveness, used as an example to countries such as Cuba and Venezuela that despite not being Marxist completely, are Socialists or Communists, and Marxism is derived from these two ideologies. Marxism in theory sounds good, but in practice turns out to be a disaster.
In this essay, we will talk about Marxism and social situations (classes) in America.
La palabra clase se deriva del latín classes, de calare, llamar, convocar, en griego kaleis tiene igual sentido, empleada para denominar a cada uno de los grupos en que los censores romanos distribuían a los ciudadanos según su fortuna. Aunque el censo se guiaba por un propósito estadístico, las classes implicaban una distinción, atendiendo al mayorpoder o prestigio social, según la riqueza. Classicus era el individuo de la clase primera del censo, y de ahí deriva el sentido enaltecedor que ese adjetivo ha llegado a tener. Con referencia a la estructura social moderna, la palabra aparece con Adam Smith («clase pobre» o «clase trabajadora»). Los escritores más importantes de este tema son Marx y Engels, pues contribuyeron a generalizar la expresión. De este modo, el vocablo toma su acepción actual en la Sociología europea, indicando una forma específica y concreta de estratificación social. En Estados Unidos han tardado bastante más en aceptar el concepto y la teoría, seguramente porque allí el fenómeno de las clases sociales ha tenido y aún tiene caracteres diversos que en Europa, y todavía lo estudian dentro de la problemática general de la estratificación social, junto, al tema de las escalas de prestigio, que, como veremos, es algo muy distinto.