English5 1
Enviado por cgomez713 • 22 de Enero de 2015 • 506 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 178 Visitas
Objective: The objective of this activity is to identify the purpose of TOEIC.
Procedure: The procedure I took for this activity was first, open up black board, identify the problem or what the activity is asking then I did the research of the purpose of TOEIC to complete the following activity.
Who takes TOEIC and why?
People that don’t speak English and have it as a second language and want to get a better job or apply for a better position this test backs you up so you can prove them that you are capable of speaking the language at certain level.
Where do people take it?
Most of the time people can take this test at schools, public places, and private English schools.
Who accepts TOEIC scores?
Most of the outsource companies accepts this test so they can locate you on the right department depending on your English, schools uses this test to identify the type of English level that you have.
What is the testing format?
The test it’s a pencil and paper type of test it is divided into two sections the Reading one and the listening section, it is timed and has a total of 100 questions.
How many sections does the test have?
The test is formed of two sections listening and reading.
What is the test content for section 1?
The test content for section one includes Part 1. Picture identification. Part 2. Question/Response, Part 3. Shor conversations, Part 4. Short talks.
What is the test content for section 2?
The test content for sections two includes the reading part: Part 5. Incomplete sentences, Part 6. Text completion, Part 7. Reading comprehension.
How long does each section take?
According to the information from the official page the complete test last for about 60 minutes long 30 minutes for each section and an additional 30 minutes to complete a questionnaire.
How do TOEIC and TOEFL compare in terms of:
Purpose It measures the ability to function in an English-speaking academic environment. It measures the ability to function in a general work environment.
Lengh 2 hours and a half 2 hours
Format It is divided in four sections: reading, Listening, speaking and writing. And it is taken exclusively on the computer It is broken into two exams: the reading and listening test; and the speaking and writing test. The first one is a paper-and-pencil test, and the second one is taken on the computer.
Scores 0-120 0-990 (including both exams: listening and reading; and writing and speaking)
What are the highest/lowest possible scores for Listening and Reading in TOEIC?
The highest possible score is 400 points, those test takers have the ability to infer the central idea,