- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  16 de Noviembre de 2013  •  459 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  279 Visitas

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Containers Activity

Antes de realizar la actividad deben estudiar el siguiente material de apoyo:

• Simple Present

• Imperatives

• Questions

• Adverbs of Frequency

• Describing Habits and Routines

• Containers, Weights and Measures

La actividad es muy fácil de realizar si se estudia todo el material de apoyo primero!!!

La actividad está dividida en dos partes: en la primera debe leer el párrafo y contestar las 5 preguntas. Revise su ortografía.

En la segunda debe leer las definiciones y señalar la respuesta correcta.

Recuerde que para desarrollar la actividad debe leer el material de apoyo primero. Puede realizar la actividad de manera grupal.

Lea el siguiente párrafo y conteste a las preguntas.

My name is Carlos. I work in a big supermarket. We sell cigarettes in packets; we always sell them to adults. We have plastic bottles of water, and glass bottles of wine. We store egg cartons in refrigerators. We also sell cartons of milk; we have them in big shelves. Jars or marmalade arrive in big cardboard boxes. We have big and small sacks of potatoes.

1. In the supermarket, they sell cigarettes in ___________.

2. They have ________________ of water and glass bottles of ___________.

3. The egg cartons are stored in ______________.

4. They put _______________ in big shelves.

5. They sell big and small _____________ of potatoes.

Revise las siguientes definiciones y señale la respuesta correcta: (Las definiciones completas las encuentra en el material de apoyo.)

A bale is a large quantity of something such as paper or hay that is tightly tied together especially into a block.

A chest is a large strong box that you use to store things in or to move your personal possessions from one place to another.

A barrel / cask is a large curved container with a flat top and bottom, made of wood or metal, and used for storing beer, wine etc.

A crate is a large box made of wood or plastic that is used for carrying fruit, bottles etc.

A blister pack is a packaging in which a product is sealed between a cardboard backing and clear plastic cover.

6. People at farms always pack hay in a __________.

a. Chest

b. Barrel

c. Tote bin

d. Bale

7. My grandmother has a big ______________ where she stores things that she treasures.

a. Chest

b. Drum

c. Cardboard box

d. Tote bin

8. I work in a supermarket. We often carry imported fruit and bottles of wine on large boxes made of plastic, they are called:

a. Crates

b. Tote bins

c. Blister packs

d. Cardboard boxes


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