Genetic diversity and relationships of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.)
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Theor Appl Genet (1998) 96: 621Ð627 ( Springer-Verlag 1998
R. Whitkus á M. de la Cruz á L. Mota-Bravo
A. Go«mez-Pompa
Genetic diversity and relationships of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.)
in southern Mexico
Received: 21 May 1997/ Accepted: 9 October 1997
Abstract Neotropical tree crops are a¤ected by a
combination of biological and human factors that
complicate the study of genetic diversity and crop
evolution. Genetic diversity and relationships among
southern Mexican populations and horticultural collections
of ¹heobroma cacao (chocolate, cocoa, cacao)
are examined in light of the agricultural practices of the
Maya. Collections of cacao were obtained from the
extremes of its geographic range including archeological
sites in southern Mexico where cacao was Þrst
domesticated. Genetic diversity was assayed by 57 informative
random ampliÞed polymorphic DNA
(RAPD) marker loci. A unique sample of the total
diversity found in this study exists in the southern
Mexican populations. These populations are signiÞ-
cantly di¤erent from all other cacao with regards to
their proÞle of RAPD bands, including the ÔcriolloÕ
variety, their morphological and geographical group.
A population of cacao found in a sinkhole (cenote) in
northern Yucatan with genetic a¦nities to populations
in Chiapas suggests the Maya maintained plants far
away from their native habitat. This Þnding concurs
with known agroforestry practices of the Maya. Modern
e¤orts to increase germplasm of tropical tree crops
such as cacao should carefully examine archeological
sites where genetic diversity, either deliberately or by
Communicated by G. E. Hart
R. Whitkus (¥) á A. Go« mez-Pompa
Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California,
Riverside, CA 92521, USA
Fax: (909) 787Ð4437
M. de la Cruz
Instituto de Ecologia, UNAM, Apdo. Post. 70-275, C.P. 04510,
L. Mota-Bravo
ITESM Campus Morelos, Av. Refoma 182-A, Cuernavaca,
Morelos 62589, Mexico
chance, was collected and maintained by ancient cultures.
Key words Cacao á ¹heobroma cacao á
Genetic diversity á Crop evolution á RAPD
The genetic diversity of Neotropical tree crops is
inßuenced by a combination of biological attributes
and human-precipitated changes. Some intrinsic characteristics
of the plants that directly a¤ect genetic variability
are extensive geographic ranges of numerous
species, fairly small populations sizes, and outcrossing
breeding systems. Historical evidence indicates a long
history of management of species by native cultures
(Go«mez-Pompa and Kaus 1990), while the greatest
modern human factor is extensive deforestation of the
region. These factors make it di¦cult to identify wild
progenitors, locate centers of diversity, decipher the
history of the domestication process, and conserve genetic
diversity of important tropical crops.
One of the more important Neotropical tree crops is
¹heobroma cacao L. (chocolate, cacao), ranked 29th in
planted hectares of world crops (N. Ellstrand, personal
communication). Cacao is an understory tree in tropical
rainforests extending from the Amazonian basin of
South America to southern Mexico. Plants from Mesoamerica
(Mexico and Central America) are classiÞed
as ¹. cacao subsp. cacao (Cuatrecasas 1964). Cultivated
forms of the subspecies represent the horticultural
variety ÔcriolloÕ, considered to have been domesticated
by the Maya (or their ancestors) more than 2000
years ago. South American plants are placed in ¹.
cacao subsp. sphaerocarpum (Cuatrecasas 1964), and
its cultivars represent the horticultural variety Ôforastero
Õ. This variety is the basis of most chocolate production
because of its higher yield and greater disease
Table 1 Polymorphism of cacao collections based on 57 polymorphic
RAPD loci (ID groups ) n sample size ) P percentage polymorphic
bands ) º total unique bands)
Collection ID n P U
Chiapas 1 28 12.3 5
Yucatan 2 5 8.8 5
Cultivars 3 48 73.4 11
South America 4 5 33.3 0
Southern Mexico 1&2 33 49.1 12
Cultivars and
South America 3&4 53 77.2 29
resistance. A third horticultural form, ÔtrinitarioÕ, represents
a hybrid derivative between ÔcriolloÕ and Ôforastero
Õ (Cheesman 1944; Kennedy 1995).
As in other crops, a small portion of the genetic
variability in cacao has been used in breeding programs,
but e¤orts are underway to increase germplasm
diversity (Lockwood 1985; Kennedy 1995). The search
for additional genetic diversity is concentrated on the
upper Amazonian basin because the region is considered
the center of origin for the species (Cheesman
1944) and has the highest known level of diversity
(Laurent et al. 1993a, 1994; Figueira et al. 1994;
NÕGoran et al. 1994). Mesoamerica is not being intensely
searched since wild forms of cacao are considered
rare or non-existent in the region (Cheesman 1944;
Purseglove 1974). The discovery of ¹. cacao subsp.
cacao occurring naturally in the Lacandon forest of
Chiapas and sinkholes (cenotes) of northern Yucatan,
Mexico (Go«mez-Pompa et al. 1990) suggests that novel
genetic variation may exist within these populations
which could be distinct from South American plants
(Cheesman 1944; Lockwood 1985).
A preliminary analysis of cacao from Chiapas and
Yucatan found that the plants are genetically distinctive
from all other cacao, including the ÔcriolloÕ and
ÔforasteroÕ varieties (de la Cruz et al. 1995a). The lack of
population samples from Mexico prevented a comparison
of the organization of diversity in these collections
with that of the cultivated varieties or South American
native plants. The study presented here compared genetic
diversity in natural populations of cacao from
southern Mexico with cacao from South America and
the horticultural varieties, and re-examined the relationships
of the subspecies and horticultural varieties.
Findings from