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Guión de ingles vacaciones fail

Enviado por   •  9 de Octubre de 2018  •  Informe  •  1.292 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  138 Visitas

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Cata G: I can’t believe we finally made this trip.

Coni: This trip is going to be amazing.

Tevi: I read that the state of Florida is the best in touristic attractions and I bet we nailed it by doing this.

Coni: (looking at the door) Mommy, isn´t that our nanny?!

Cata G: OMG! It´s true, MASHAAA!!!

Mailah: ¡OH! It´s the Jenssen family. What r u doing here?

Tevi: We´re on vacations, and… what r u doing here? You’re the nanny, you´re not supposed to be here, this was supposed to be a family vacations, not a family AND MASHA vacations.

Mailah: Look Mr. Jenssen, my family doesn´t have enough money to pay the hospital to my mom, and my brothers are sick, so i´m here for work.

Cata G: Oh… I see, well I bet my bottom dollar you´ll find work and everything will be alright.

Mailah: Thanks Mrs. Jenssen’s, well i´ll better go.

Coni: Bye nanny! Break a leg.

Tevi: That was weird… well we just have to wait for the…

Cata M: Well, well, well, you must be the Johnsons family!

Cata G: Emmm… It´s Jenssens.

Cata M: That´s what I said… well, my name is Johanna and i´m going to be your tourist guide during your whole experience in here. I´ll take you to the hotel and tomorrow morning we´re having our first tour to South Beach and…

Coni: (screams) We´re going to Disney? Or not?

 Cata M: I´m afraid your daddy will tell you that, now i´m going to bring the cab, wait for me in the first exit.


Coni: Mommy, I want to pee.

Cata G: Honey, can you wait a little bit? The hotel is not so far from here.

Camilo: (Se acerca al Tevi) Hi mi amigo, you broke the bank to bring your family here no?

Tevi: Yes but it´s going to be the best vacations ever.

Camilo: I see do you wanna know how you can do this vacation to be even better.

Tevi: Course.

Camilo: Look mi amigo! I have these excellent clocks, you can look at the hour in any position and you will look really guapo whit this.

Tevi: Sorry but I already have one.

Camilo: But mi amigo…


Guardias: There he is!

Camilo: Sorry mi amigo, i’m in a hurry. (Sale corriendo)

Tevi: (Se mira la mano) Hey!! My watch! The guy stole my watch!


 Cata M: Okay Jacksons! Jump on the cab.

Cata G: Again, it´s the Jenssens.

Cata M: That´s what I said… c´mon guys.

Tevi: R u sure we can all fit inside of the cab?

Coni: Of course, it will be so much fun daddy!

Tevi: Okay, I go on the front.

Feño: Hi Mr. I´ll take you to the hotel.

Tevi: I know.

Feño: So what r u doing here in Florida? Having fun already? Oh! Oh! Oh! You know? I used to drive a limousine for all those famous guys you know? It was so much fun, but now here I am, driving this cab for normal people like you, working for peanuts and stuff you know? (Se da vuelta) I like cats, do you like cats?  I LOVE CATS; I actually have 10 cats you know? Hold on the handle Mr. Jenssen.

Tevi: Excuse Mrs. Look out.

Feño: Do you like the cats Mr. Jenssen? Mine are Tom, Isabella, Gary, Ted, Avocado, Sam, Tiger, Oscar, Minino and Snowball. I love cats, they are so cute.

*Los de atrás gritan y ella se da vuelta*

Todos: HOLD ON!!!

Feño: Uh! That was close; I always say that people in Florida don’t know about driving you know? In fact, I don’t know how to drive; I actually never got my license in the first place.

Coni: Mommy I want to pee.

Cata G: Honey, can you wait a little bit more?

Coni: Okay.

Feño: Okay Jenssens! We´re here.

 Tevi: Hhm… I´m afraid this is not our hotel, don’t pull over.

Cata M: Manjula what did you do? This is not the place! Let me see the map.

Feño: This is the map you gave me i´m entire sure and Oh! I see, the map was upside down.

Tevi: Can we go to the hotel now?

Coni: Daddy… I had an accident…

Tevi: Huh?

Coni: I peed myself…


*Tevi opens the door*

*The family walks towards the reception*

*The receptionist doesn’t show up, so the family screams*

* The rep. appears, lazy*


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