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Universidad Metropolitana
Programa Ahora
EDUC 222
July 11th, 2012
6. What Kinds of Programs Exist to Meet the Needs of
English Learners?
It is important to reiterate that federal law requires that all English learners be provided with an educational program that provides them:
(1) access to the core curriculum
(2) opportunities for English language
English language learners find themselves in a wide variety of school programs, from those carefully tailored to meet their specific linguistic and cultural needs to programs in which little is done differently to accommodate them.
Perhaps the simplest distinction among programs is whether two languages or one is used for instruction. Bilingual education programs are defined as educational programs
that use two languages, one of which must be English, for teaching purposes.
Bilingual education programs have taken many forms, but two goals are common
to all:
(1) to teach English
(2) to provide access to the core curriculum through the home language while students are gaining English language proficiency (Lessow-Hurley, 2005).
TRANSITIONAL BILINGUAL EDUCATION. Transitional bilingual education programs
are designed to serve language minority students who are limited English
proficient. Primary language instruction is provided for one to three years. The
purpose of primary language instruction is to build a foundation in literacy and
academic content that will facilitate English language and academic development
as students acquire the new language. After the transition to English
instruction, no further instruction in the home language is offered. The goal is
to develop English language proficiency for limited English proficient students
as soon as possible.
MAINTENANCE BILINGUAL EDUCATION. Maintenance bilingual education is
designed to serve language minority students who are limited English proficient.
It differs from transitional bilingual education in that primary language instruction
is provided throughout the elementary grades and in some cases continues in
middle and high school. English language instruction is also provided throughout
the grades. The purpose of the maintenance model is to help language minority
students develop and maintain their primary language and become fully proficient
in oral and written English. Thus the program goals include full bilingualism
and biliteracy for English learners.
IMMERSION EDUCATION. Originally developed in Canada, immersion programs
are designed to teach a minority language to language majority students. For example,
in Canada, native English-speaking students often learn French as a second language.
In the United States, native English-speaking students learn languages such
as Spanish or Cantonese. In immersion programs, students receive subject matter
instruction through their second language to develop second language proficiency
while learning academic content. Special techniques are used to help them understand,
participate, and learn in the new language. Language, content, and literacy
instruction take place in the students’ new language in the early grades, with the
gradual introduction of English language arts as students progress up the grades.
The ultimate goal is full bilingualism and