- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Importance of technology availability

Enviado por   •  20 de Mayo de 2015  •  201 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  120 Visitas

These days technology such as smart phones, social network, online gaming, web search, has significantly improved compared back to many years ago. Since we have access to this technology, our lives have improved considerably, everything we want to know is practically within reach of our hands. As a result, I think that most of these young people are more used to this technology because this day’s smart phones are better every day, and kids are using the internet in schools. Young people now a day find many good things offered by this technology. Prior to access the internet, we had to sit at a computer or a cabin that offer this service and so to make research and everything we need, but now most young people have smartphones and can access the internet in seconds. The technology is improving every day, allowing us to communicate faster by instant messenger, we can access to maps, can locate different places like restaurants, super markets, etc. Today I think anyone could not live without technology, today's youth is the most beneficed than our parents, like mine. They are a bit unwilling to learn or simply do not want to use something that seems complicated.


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