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Improving knowledge of the rights of EU citizens

Enviado por   •  26 de Abril de 2015  •  758 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  147 Visitas

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Project Summary:

The project is written to soften the problem which is a low level of knowledge about the rights of EU citizens. By implementing the project we would like to improve public awareness and knowledge about the rights, values and principles deriving from Union law. The project will be implemented by preparation of project products, project activities at local and international level. Collaborative workshops and conference will be organized during the project.

1.) Project Background

Much has been done to improve citizens’ awareness of their EU rights. One in three citizens now say they are well informed about their EU rights. This represents an improvement but it is still not enough. Just under a quarter of respondents (24%) feel fairly or very well informed about what they can do if their EU rights are not respected.

EU citizens still face obstacles in their everyday lives when exercising their right to free movement. The EU Citizenship Report 2013 comes at a timely moment during the debate about the future of the European Union. Deeper integration has to go hand in hand with greater democratic legitimacy.

Free movement increases social and cultural interactions within the EU and creates closer bonds between Europeans. In addition, it generates mutual economic benefits for businesses and citizens, including those who remain at home, as the EU steadily removes internal obstacles. To remove the obstacles there is a need to inform EU citizens about their rights.

Statistic data

Just over one third of Europeans feel well informed about their rights as EU citizens -Just over one third of respondents (36%) say that they feel well informed about their rights as a citizen of the European Union. Amongst those, just 4% say they feel 'very well informed', while 32% say they feel 'fairly well informed'. 43% feel that they are not very well informed whilst one in five (20%) say that they do not feel informed at all.

Overall, there is a slight increase in how informed EU citizens feel about their EU rights since 2007. The proportion of those who feel informed (36%) has improved by five percentage points since 2007 and the proportion of those saying they do not feel informed (63%) has declined by five percentage points.

Youth unemployment in particular, the rate of which is more than twice as high as that for adults (23.5 % against 9.5 % in the first quarter of 2013). Citizens are calling for a true EU labor market enabling them to benefit from job opportunities in other EU countries and contribute to the European economy.

Young EU citizens are open to improving their skills and competencies by studying or training in another EU country. Overall, more than one in two young Europeans is willing or keen to work in another EU Member State.

They also ask for initiatives making it possible for them to develop their skills and access


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