- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Information Tecnologies

Enviado por   •  28 de Febrero de 2014  •  463 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  379 Visitas

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1. Answerthefollowingquestions:

a. How were this websites born?

An idea of creating a web-based community where people share these tastes and feelings is not new.

b. Who are the founders of these sites and in what year were they founded?

Mark Zuckerberg

Eduardo Saverin

Chris Hughes

Dustin Moskovitz

c. What situation or problem did they resolve?

When Greylock Venture Capital converted in the leader and they los million dollars

d. How many users do they have registered and how many visits do they receive in average a year?

1060 million users a year

e. Write a timeline in the evolution of Wikipedia, Facebook and Google

Google 1998 Wikipedia 2005 Facebook 2007

2. To develop a website it is necessary to have some programs that allow you to edit codes, but for this you need to know the following:

a. What programming language does these pages use, example: HTML, php, javascript?

Facebook for programming language it uses thrift for management of scripts such as python.

b. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using such language?

Advantages of HTML is that is more dynamic and you can organize it and the disadvantages that it can be rug.

c. Search on reliable sources of information and lists at least 3 languages rivaling HTML.

Go, PHP, Javascript

d. Mention what you think are the advantages and disadvantages compared to HTML.

PhP is fast and new, HTML is dynamic

3. During the course we will use Dreamweaver to create and edit web pages but it is not the only tool we can use for this job. Create a table where you can develop the following:

a. Mention 5 editing tools for web pages (web page editor tool) including Dreamweaver


b. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Dreamweaver works with HTML and CSS, also it provides WYSIWYG. The disadvantages are that dreamweaver is expensive.

Fireworks used in the production of web graphics and application user interfaces. It causes million of dollars in property damage.

c. What version of software is currently used?

Dreamweaver CS6

d. Mention the particular features they have.

Dreamweaver has more connectivity, the CSS designer its more powerful, it has a live view, it has compatibility with actual platforms, CSS3 transitions, it has audio and video HTML5, and quicker insert of HTML5 objects.

Fireworks easy to create and edit web pages, it allows to quickly modify and export themes. It has the JQuery Mobile framework.

e. Indicate whether the license of these tools has a cost.

Dreamweaver has a cost of 19 dollars per month.

Fireworks has a price of 149 dollars.


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