- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ingles Ice-Hotel

Enviado por   •  27 de Abril de 2015  •  211 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  345 Visitas

The Swedish Ice Hotel is located in Jukkasjärvi near the Arctic Circle. Its first building was in 1990 after an exhibition of the art of ice which was very successful was done, was done in an igloo on the River Torne and the creator of this hotel was the great reception that had the audience the idea of sleep in an igloo.

This hotel is built entirely of ice and is in the winter when it opens its doors.

These hotels we find elsewhere and are always very attractive for the uniqueness of its structure.

The ice hotel is in the eco tourist season in Sweden where you can do all kinds of winter sports and activities, so that free time is always busy.

Precisely because it was conceived from the idea of an art exhibition ice, each year a different artist makes the design of this famous and special hotel.

Characteristics of IceHotel:

It covers an area of 4,000 m².

The rooms are lit by oil lamps and faint rays of Arctic sun. The noises are almost nonexistent, as thick and firm snow walls make different sounds are heard. The hotel offers a helpline, as a course and gives advice to sleep at such low temperatures. The beds you are covered by fur and polar sleeping bags.


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