Italian Food
Enviado por chibi_kitsune • 18 de Mayo de 2014 • 227 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 273 Visitas
Italian Food
People have eaten italin food and think its great.But have you ever eaten italian food made from Italy?Italian food has been made around the world since many years but it cant be compared with Italian food made from its home.Italian food includes meats, wheat, breads,sauces,cheese,oils and much more. Italians eat many things that are not usually eaten in the UK, for example, snails, horse, donkey, hedgehog, goat, guinea pig, rabbit and hare, wild boar, sea urchin, sea snails, octopus, squid, sparrows, peacock and many more! The dessert called Tiramisù actually means 'Pick me up.' The Italian dish called Saltimbocca (slices of veal rolled up with ham and sage) actually means 'Jump into mouth.' Italians has baked Tiramisù for so many years that it’s a tradition now only in Italy.People have drunk many types of wine but the best comes from Italy.Wine becomes a very important job in the Italian food. But Italy is a strongly regional country. This is reflected in the styles of food and wine which each region proudly maintains and promotes. There are so many Italian wines there just has to be some you like and others you would not try twice. That's certainly my experience.I have traveled to italy just to taste its amazing taste in wines. In 1963, the first official Italian system of classification of wines has been introduced.