Enviado por Dany Freile • 1 de Julio de 2018 • Ensayo • 1.502 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 109 Visitas
Chapter 1.-
Maine, United States, 2004
Today was a very strange day, generally the first days of word are hard, but this one was extremely difficult. If you enter in a new job, It is supposed you will meet new persons, but in this job, you just get to meet deranged people inside psychiatric rooms, long and tedious working hours, in which you don’t talk to anybody besides yourself, you truly have to be in need and little bit crazy to get in this job.
I get out of work, and I met a guy, he actually surprises me, but like in any other way, he was a guard, he took me to café, Trebor, we talked for hours and I liked him, at a point we touch an important topic, the hospital; to scare me he told me a story about a boy, all the clinics talked about him, it changed from being a fun story to a legend.
The story was about a boy that was kind of a rapist and homophobic type of person, that don’t deserve anything. This changed through the years, from violators to assassins, everything in relation to haters of “other side people”. Honestly at this time is not rare, because of all the things that have been happening around the world, but that was the story. Most of the people that “suffer” from the ghost harassment, ended with suicide, it was clear that those were just fables to minimize the pain and sadness of the internships, although the people continued believing it. Even though I felt intrigued, I thanked the coffee and went home; if I don’t do it I will feel bad until the next day at work.
All the day went really fast, maybe because I was trying to figure out everything about that ghost. I have always been obstinate, but I feel that I got to investigate and know about the boy, and I think I actually did it. I was walking by the rooms, and arrived to number 87; I checked and was a very old person, it seemed that he didn’t even looked at me, he was concentrated at some point in the wall, and it really scared me.
If I investigate some things, I will not get any surprise about the terrific topic; for me this is going to be a new hobby.
Chapter 2.-
It’s been days looking for answers, I’m really obsessed with this topic, an also I think if I get interested in the investigation, I’m going to be much happier at the hospital, the patients are much closer to me and I have got the chance to talk to them about anything, one the topics obviously was about the boy, an even thought I still believe that story is just a myth, I can’t stop thinking in the look of the convicts when they talk about it… they seem really sure, but it’s impossible, maybe I have been drinking too much coffee, that I actually started to think that the ghost is real, this is getting worse because of the turbid atmosphere of the psychiatric.
“ You can’t see him, if he doesn’t want to see you, just be happy with that” those were the last word of the patients when I was taking care of him, today was really confusing hours ago before one of the convicts took his toothbrush and cut himself writing the number 87, I tried to decode the meaning of the phrase, I was really curious, was he talking about the boy?, I began to think that it was actually that, it has gone too far.
I am scared, I was searching about the boy’s death, and suddenly I felt something strange, like a shadow, really the trauma is getting worse , I see shadows, I listen things were there are not any, am I getting crazy? Is that or the story is real, maybe a boy I seeing me , but I can’t see him. Is there a connection with the boy of the story? I think is innveitable, to stop thinking about the boy behind me, or hearing things. It is too much for me, I am really riching the point of not coming back, although inside want to believe that is just an empty uncreated story by the interns to make them scared and keep them under control and concentrated in something, but it is not that, I knoe there is something rare in all of this, I am going to find out what it is.
If I can’t think clearly I had to stop the investigation but that is obvious that there is something behind the closet, I had been hiding at the other side of the class for more than two hours, nevertheless that cold looking has not moves of that place, and is disturbing. I made the count of the patients and everyone is in their rooms, this was not a convict, it was something bad, something out of this world. Being a person that loves herself, I decided to stay until someone finds me, I hope that person arrives fast, if anyone comes I’ll be so glad, even I would be happy to see a convict, I would give anything to go early when my turn finished, but no, I got to stay helping to seal the papers of the lasts convicts transitions.