La economía 101: Principios de macroeconomía
Enviado por Malego • 23 de Febrero de 2012 • Informe • 1.168 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 658 Visitas
California State University, Long Beach
Spring 2012
Economics 101: Principles of Microeconomics
TH 7:00 to 9:45 pm
Ticket #5563 - Section 5
FCS 126
Instructor: J. Bailly
Office: SPA 351
Office Hours: Tuesday 11:00a to 12:00 and Thursday 6:00p to 7:00 (in FCS)
Phone: 985-5075
Email: (Note: The best way to contact me is by email.) Please identify yourself and your class in your email, also please include a subject line.
Required Materials:
Microeconomics by Hubbard and O’Brien, Custom Edition for CSULB ISBN: 1256485640 or any comparable version (3rd ed. ISBN: 0136021972 or 2nd edition ISBN: 0138132771).
iClicker response unit
General Course Information:
Economics 101 is an Introductory Course in Microeconomics covering Scarcity, Price Theory, Resource Allocation, and Business Organization. Course topics will include supply and demand analysis, consumer choice, and firm behavior related to production, costs, and market structure.
Course Grades will be based on 2 Midterm Exams, a Final Exam, Quizzes, Homework assignments, and iClicker participation. Exams will account for 75% of the course grade (25% for each exam); quizzes are 10%, homework assignments are 10% of the course grade, and participation in class is the remaining 5% of the course grade.
Quizzes will be given on Beachboard. The deadline to take a quiz will be at 7:00 pm (class start time) on each Thursday that a quiz is scheduled; you will have approximately a 24 hour time period to access a quiz. They will be 10 questions; you will have one chance to take each quiz. There will be no makeups given for the quizzes but your lowest quiz score will be dropped. You may use open book and open notes to complete the quizzes, but collaboration with others is NOT allowed.
Quiz dates:
Quiz #1 Thursday, February 9, 2012 Quiz #4 Thursday, April 5, 2012
Quiz #2 Thursday, February 23, 2012 Quiz #5 Thursday, April 26, 2012
Quiz #3 Thursday, March 15, 2012 Quiz #6 Thursday, May 10, 2012
The exams will consist of a combination of multiple choice questions with some written questions. The Final Exam is cumulative; it must be taken at the scheduled time. You will need three Scantron forms, 882 or similar, one for each exam.
Exam dates:
Midterm #1 Thursday, March 1, 2012
Midterm #2 Thursday, April 12, 2012
Final Exam Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 7:15 pm (as scheduled in the course catalog)
Makeup exams for the midterms will be given only when compelling circumstances exist that prevent you from taking the exam as scheduled; permission to take a makeup should be obtained prior to missing the exam if possible. They will be given only for a University approved absence and you may be asked to provide documentation. Illness with a doctor’s note specifically stating you could not attend class on the date of the exam or a college related activity such as athletics or field trip are the only allowable circumstances. Make exams for the midterms must be taken within one week of the scheduled exam date.
Grades will be determined on a straight scale; 90% and up “A”, 80%-89% “B”, 70%-79% “C”, 60%-69% “D”, and below 60% “F”.
Homework Assignments:
Attendance is strongly recommended and is essential for successful completion of the course. Students are encouraged to attend class regularly and read textbook chapters following the course lectures. Homework