- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

La imaginación en el universo

Enviado por   •  15 de Mayo de 2018  •  Ensayo  •  764 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  117 Visitas

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My Planetary System

Name of the planetary system:

My planetary system is called the Super Candy Galaxy. It has 5 planets and 1 sun. The sun is called luminous.

My first planet:

The first planet of my planetary system is called Sweetcookie. Sweetcookie has a size of 600, 000 kilometers. Sweetcookie takes 1.5 Earth days to make the rotation movement and .5 Earth years to make the revolution movement. Sweetcookie is made up of rock, oxygen and all kind of flours. The atmosphere is made up of cherry perfume and oxygen. The temperature is always medium like 25° grades and a little bit windy, only a month rains. Sweetcookie has chocolate milk rivers, canyons of bread, craters of cinnamon, volcanoes of chocolate, cotton candy trees and mountains of waffles. The life-forms in Sweetcookie are little cookie people that live in gingerbread houses, they would eat pancakes with strawberries and the would drink hot chocolate. Sweetcookie has 2 moons made up of lunettes.

My second planet:

My second planet is called Boing Boing. The size of Boing Boing is of 900 kilometers. Boing Boing rotation movement is of 2 Earth days and the revolution movement it´s of 1.5 Earth years. The composition of Boing Boing is of gas. The atmosphere is made up of oxygen and water. The climate is medium (22°) and a little bit of rains. Boing Boing have little gummies people that would live in houses made up of jelly beans, they will eat fruit made up of gummies and drink liquid gelatin. The life forms are little gummies people that would live in houses made up of jelly beans; they will eat fruit made up of gummies and drink liquid gelatin. It doesn´t have any moons.

My third planet:

My third planet is called Chococake. The size of Chococake is of 90,000 light years. The rotation movement takes 1 Earth day and the revolution movement takes 1 Earth year. Chococake is made up of rock covered with sugar glass. The atmosphere is made up of oxygen, water and vanilla perfume. The geography is rivers of jelly, craters of mousse, canyons of chantilly cream, volcanoes of cherries, mountains of chocolate muffins and trees of brownie. The life-forms of Chococake are the little people made up of cake and a little bit of strawberry jam, they would eat brownies and they would drink chocolate milk, they would live in meringue houses. Chococake has 3 moons made up of gansito bread.

My fourth planet:

My fourth planet is called Candycream. Candycream size is of 48, 600 kilometers. The rotation movement (in earth days) is of 2.5 days and the revolution movement (in earth years) is of 2 years. Candycream is made up of gas and is covered by different colors of cream. The atmosphere is made up of oxygen and water. The climate is very cold (5°) and always is snowing. Candycream has rivers of ice, volcanoes of cherries and mountains of dairy queen ice cream. The life-forms little wafer people that would eat holanda ice cream and they would drink ice drinks. Candycream has 4 moons with shape of cherry.


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