Lectura 23 ingles
Enviado por Bennysmrt • 21 de Noviembre de 2014 • 564 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 156 Visitas
NAME: _________________________________________ DATE: ___________________
Silvia: Hi, my name is Silvia. I'm from Guatemala.
Diego: And I'm Diego and I'm from Mexico. And today we're going to talk about ruins in our countries.
Silvia: Actually, Guatemala is quite famous for it's Mayan ruins. We have a lot of them all over the country but especially up in the north near Mexico, and the most famous one is Tikal.
Diego: Oh, wow, have you been there?
Silvia: Yeah, I've been there and now apparently they're discovering more ruins around that area so every year you can go and just go visit a new ruin. So it's quite interesting.
Diego: The people in Guatemala often go to see these places or is it usually tourists?
Silvia: It's mainly tourists, but yeah, I've known a lot of people that just like to go, especially with my parents. They love archeology so they're taking us every time and seeing different places. They also discovered a new one that's getting a lot attention from the media lately. Apparently it's the biggest temple in the world, so it's getting a lot of media attention and now they even made a kind of like a replica at the Shiang Hai Expo.
Diego: Oh, wow.
Silvia: Yeah. But the only way you can go there right now is by helicopter.
Diego: So it's a bit expensive to get there?
Silvia: Yeah, it is, so a lot of celebrities apparently have flown there but for Guatemalans, I don't think many Guatemalans have been there yet.
Diego: Yeah, maybe because it's difficult to be able to afford that. We also have Mayan ruins in Mexico. Have you ever been to Cancun?
Silvia: Yeah, I went to TuTulmas around there.
Diego: Yes, Tulumas is a very nice Mayan site because it's on a cliff and you see all of the ocean and it's really nice. The contrast between the buildings and the white sand and the blue ocean. It's really, really beautiful. And we also have Chiciniza, which is like a Mayan pyramid. Have you ever heard of it?
Silvia: I've heard of it, but I haven't been there yet.
Diego: Yeah, it was voted one of the seven wonders of the modern world, so it's really, really nice and it's really large, and unlike the pyramids in Egypt, like on the top it's flat so it's a bit different.
Silvia: Yeah, mainly the Guatemalan ruins are also a little bit flat.
Diego: Yeah, I think that was like Mayan architecture. It was flat on the top.
apparently • archeology • attention • contrast • replica
1. It is going to rain tomorrow _____________________.
2. This book is getting lots of _____________________.
3. This necklace is a _____________________ of the real one.
4. I like history so I naturally like ___________________