Ley De Aguas
Enviado por angelica.baldeon • 9 de Julio de 2015 • 744 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 132 Visitas
When we hear the phrase “Ley de Aguas” we have not really an idea about it, it could sound a Little disturbing because we are accustomed to have free water without any law or we have not idea about a law that supervise water.
In Ecuador exist a department called “Secretary of Water” that department have the goal of manage every processes about water resources of Ecuador. The decree was created on May 15, 2008, but was in force since 27 of the same month and year.
This is the first time that Ecuador gives value to water, making possible a comprehensive driving and coordinator of this natural heritage for the sake of self-preservation.
This law is just an order to protect the nature in our country, as we know if we have not water we have not live, so, that is the principal factor to take care it. The Scientist have proven that we can stay a few months without eating anything and survive only on water-based, that show us that the water is one of the most important thing to stay alive and to make grow up the nature and the living beings.
Now I would like to show you a little part of that law.
Article 1 -. The provisions of this Law governing the use of maritime, surface, ground and atmospheric waters of the country, in all its forms and physical states.
Section 2 -. Waters of rivers, lakes, ponds, springs that are born and die in the same inheritance, glaciers, falls and other natural sources, and groundwater, upwelled or not, are national public goods, are outside the trade and its domain is inalienable and imprescriptible; are not susceptible of possession, accession or any other mode of appropriation.
No rights or acquired dominion over them is recognized and existing only limited to their use as efficient and in accordance with this Act.”
In this little part we can see that this law is just to protect water but not to make a prejudice to someone.
People from a lot of parts of Ecuador have been walked pro and con about this law.
All that people go to Quito, to “Plaza de la Independencia” just to show their think: agree or disagree about this law.
Mr. President Thinks that every Indigenous leaders talk about poor people, Indigenous and ancestral knowledge but that they really want is to protect their power and the way that they could manipulate people.
He said too that the legal body will not permit the water privatization because the Constitution of Ecuador avoid it and he claim to the Indigenous based for make a rebellion against their leader.
This law is to analyze water rights and management modes aware of indigenous peoples, comparing them with the current contents of the current national legislation. The goal is to contribute to the process of change that recognizes structurally national legislation rules and indigenous rights