- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  18 de Noviembre de 2013  •  630 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  282 Visitas

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Here, we’re going to read about how Linguistics is important at the Escuela de Lenguas, many ways to learn a new language is necessary, maybe this text isn’t very clear to catch a language but it should help you. If you have a doubt you should visit a book that talks about it.

Linguistics is the discipline that studies the facts of language, it helps us to have a good knowledge in the language, so at the school it’s important because there we learn one or more languages and new words everyday. This can be descriptive of each language it means a description of how the language is.

So, have a good human speech also is important because this is the ability to communicate us and this includes vocal sounds that give meaning of each word that we say, with it we express our feelings and thoughts.

This helps us to have a clear pronunciation of our language learned or that we will learn in a future, or we are learning. The sound that we say in each word has a meaning and this is an easy way to understand that we tell another person.

One subfield of linguistics is the study of language structure, or grammar. This focuses on the system of rules followed by the users of one or more languages. The study of grammar includes the study of morphology (the formation and composition of words), syntax (the formation and composition of phrases and sentences from these words), and phonology (sound systems). Phonetics is a related branch of linguistics concerned with the actual properties of speech sounds and nonspeech sounds, and how they are produced and perceived.

All of them are included in the Grammar, Grammar is very important at the school because if we don’t have grammar we don’t have spelling and we haven’t learned anything.

These make easy the learning way, i mean: with this ways to catch a new language or our own, it’s necessary to consider them.

In each class we put them in practice, when teachers let homework’s we can in practice Morphology and Syntax because when we don’t understand a word to make a sentence we find the dictionary and see the meaning or how to translate.

For example:

Learning French is hard, here Phonetics is obligatory because if you can’t make a sound for each word you never can learn so well that language. French has rules and one of the rules is pronounce clearly a word. Also in English, mix letters have a different sound and Spanish is the same like other languages.

Studying Linguistics develops analytical skills, which can be applied without prior knowledge of particular languages. If you enjoy solving puzzles, chances are that you will enjoy Linguistics, especially once you learn something of the methods appropriate for analyzing language data. To illustrate how you can "crack language codes" even without special training, try to decode this foreign


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