- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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o el reconocimiento del matrimonio como una de sus atribuciones. En algunos países occidentales el matrimonio civil no ha sido reconocido hasta fechas relativamente recientes. Por ejemplo, Chile lo reconoce desde 1884.4 Argentina, lo hace desde 1888, en virtud de la Ley 2393. Algunos estados que han adoptado el matrimonio civil no reconocen las uniones conyugales realizadas bajo las normas religiosas, otros las reconocen como opción con validez jurídica equivalente al matrimonio civil. En contraparte, las religiones no suelen reconocer el matrimonio civil como una forma de unión conyugal acorde con sus preceptos.

Marriage (Latin: matrimonium ) 1 is a social institution that creates a marriage bond between its members. This tie is socially recognized either by law or by way of the customs . Marriage establishes between spouses and in many cases also between families of origin of these - a series of obligations and rights are also set by the law, which vary depending on each company. Similarly, the marriage legitimizes the filiation of children fathered or adopted from its members, according to the rules of the kinship system in force.

The marriage beyond being a marriage bond is the configurational social institution of the family , and therefore , finding directly related to birth rates in societies where consoliden.2

Being an extremely widespread institution in the world , but not so universal definition of marriage is a matter of different disciplines. From the point of view of Western law , marriage is a union of two people that is intended to constitute a family. Until recently was considered an essential element of the definition of the fact that both parties should be of opposite sex, but in recent times this item has been moderation due to the opening , in some jurisdictions , marriage between same sex .

On the other hand , in view of the ethnographic information obtained from various societies, the anthropology of kinship defines marriage as the union of two or more people who meet socially defined gender roles , even for gay marriage. [ Citation needed ] The marriage from the anthropological point of view , is an institution that legitimizes the offspring of a woman and make alliance relationships between kin groups of which come their members.3

Marriage can be civil or religious , and depending on the religion or the legal system, the rights, duties and requirements of marriage are different. However, not all companies make the distinction between civil marriage and religious marriage . This distinction can only exist in contexts where the State has attracted the recognition of marriage as one of its functions. In some Western countries civil marriage was not recognized until relatively recently. For example , Chile recognized since 1884.4 Argentina , so from 1888 , under the 2393 Act . Some states that have adopted the civil marriage does not recognize marital unions made under religious rules , others recognized as legally valid option equivalent to civil marriage. In contrast , religions may not recognize civil marriage as a form of marital union according to its precepts.

El matrimonio (del latín "mater", madre y "munus", función, es decir, función de la madre), es, para la Iglesia Católica, una "íntima comunidad de la vida y del amor conyugal, creada por Dios y regida por sus leyes, (que) se establece sobre la alianza de los cónyuges, es decir, sobre su consentimiento irrevocable1 ". Esta definición, referida a cualquier matrimonio, participen en él católicos o no, se concreta jurídicamente en el canon 1055, parágrafo primero, del vigente Código de Derecho Canónico, que lo define como:

La alianza matrimonial, por la que el varón y la mujer constituyen entre sí un consorcio de toda la vida, ordenado por su misma índole natural al bien de los cónyuges y a la generación y educación de la prole, fue elevada por Cristo Señor a la dignidad de sacramento entre bautizados

CIC 1055 § 1

Ambas definiciones resaltan la concepción católica del matrimonio como realidad natural que se apoya sobre el principio del consentimiento —que no puede ser suplido por ninguna potestad humana—. Las únicas diferencias notables entre ambas definiciones pasan porque el código canónico omite la referencia a la palabra "amor", quizá por entenderlo como un término ajurídico o indeterminado. Así mismo, también incluye la mención a la generación y educación de la prole, de nuevo, por el carácter más legal que posee este texto, de donde surge la necesidad de explicitar los fines esenciales en la misma definición. Cuando el matrimonio se celebra entre bautizados (católicos o no, pues el código no añade tal exigencia), es elevado a uno de los sietesacramentos de la Iglesia católica. Esto implica que, según la teología, fue instituido por Dios y elevado a "Sacramento" por Cristo y que es un signo visible de la gracia.

En la definición jurídica de matrimonio para el derecho canónico, cobra importancia la distinción entre el concepto de matrimonio como acto (matrimonio in fieri), del matrimonio como estado o comunidad permanente que surge del acto productivo del matrimonio (matrimonio in facto esse).

Marriage (from Latin " mater " mother and " munus " function , ie , according to the mother) , is , for the Catholic Church , an "intimate community of life and conjugal love, created by God and governed by its laws , (which ) is established on the partnership of the spouses , ie , on its irrevocable1 consent. " This definition refers to any marriage , Catholics participate in it or not, is concrete legally in canon 1055, paragraph one , of the current Code of Canon Law, which defines it as :

The matrimonial covenant , by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of their whole life , ordered by its nature to the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring , has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament between the baptized

CIC 1055 § 1

Both definitions highlight the Catholic understanding of marriage as a natural reality that is based on the principle of consent , which can not be supplied by any human power . The only notable difference between the two definitions happen because the canon law omits the reference to the word "love " , perhaps understood as a term or indeterminate ajurídico . Likewise, it also includes references to the generation


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