- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Modelo Naciones Unidad PAquistan

Enviado por   •  13 de Octubre de 2013  •  744 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  403 Visitas

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Name Miguel E. Esparza Silva School: Pan American School

Country: Pakistan

Committee: UNICEF

Topic A: Rehabilitation and reintegration of children in post conflict societies.

Good afternoon dear delegates and honarable members of the chair I´m the delegate of Pakistan and today my delegation is going to talk of: “Rehabilitation and reintegration of children in post conflict societies”. Pakistan is located in southern Asia, bordering the Arabian Sea, between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north, it have a population of 193,238,868 estimate in July 2013.The goverment in Pakistan is a federal republic. The economy in Pakistan after Decades of internal political disputes and low levels of foreign investment have led to slow growth and underdevelopment in Pakistan. Agriculture accounts for more than one-fifth of output and two-fifths of employment. Textiles account for most of Pakistan's export earnings, and Pakistan's failure to expand a viable export base for other manufactures has left the country vulnerable to shifts in world demand. Official unemployment is under 6%, but this fails to capture the true picture, because much of the economy is informal and underemployment remains high. Over the past few years, low growth and high inflation, led by a spurt in food prices, have increased the amount of poverty. Pakistan Army (includes National Guard), Pakistan Navy (includes Marines and Maritime Security Agency), Pakistan Air Force (Pakistan Fiza'ya), 16-23 years of age for voluntary military service; soldiers cannot be deployed for combat until age 18; the Pakistani Air Force and Pakistani Navy have inducted their first female pilots and sailors; the Pakistan Air Force recruits aviation technicians at age 15; service obligation (Navy) 10-18 years; retirement required after 18-30 years service or age 40-52 (2012)

The humanitarian situation in the northwest of Pakistan is extremely complex and continually evolving. In the first half of the year, Pakistan continued to face the consequences of widespread conflict in the provinces bordering Afghanistan. Continuing displacement has occurred simultaneously with returns, as the conflict moves from one area to another. Military operations resulted in the increase of 200,000 newly displaced people, which brings the total number of internally displaced (IDPs) to 1.4 million people. Out of the displaced population, 110,000 are living in seven camps whilst the majority are living with host communities. Meanwhile, 1.9 million people returned to their homes (an increase of 200,000 people). The total number of 3.3 million IDPs and returnees is the worst displacement crisis since Pakistan’s partition from India in 1947. Children below the age of 18 represent over 60 per cent of the displaced


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