- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Republic of Panamá

Ministry of Education

Victoriano Lorenzo school


  • Ana González
  • Miranda Yeilin
  • Laureth santos
  • English subject


X ° A tecnológico

Year :


[pic 1]

  • What are  natural resources
  1. Natural resources

Renewable resources are those resources that are not depleted by their use , because they return to their original state or are regenerated at a higher rate with decreasing resources and waste through use rate . This means that certain renewable resources may cease to be if your utilization rate is so high that prevents its renewal, in that sense the rational and intelligent use to ensure the sustainability of these resources should be conducted. Within this category of renewable resources are water and biomass ( all living things ) .        [pic 2]

Some renewable resources are : Forests , water, wind , solar radiation , hydropower , geothermal energy, wood, and agricultural products such as cereals , fruits, tubers, vegetables, farming wastes and others.

  1. Nonrenewable resources

Non-renewable resources are natural resources that can not be produced, grown, regenerated or reused to a scale that can sustain its consumption rate. These resources often exist in fixed amounts since nature can not recreate in short geological periods.

It called contingent reserves of resources that can be mined profitably. The (monetary) economic value depends on their rarity and demand is the issue that concerns the economy. Its usefulness as resources depends on its applicability, but also the economic cost and the energy cost of its location and operation.

Some of the non-renewable resources are: coal, oil, minerals, metals, natural gas and groundwater reservoirs, in the case of confined aquifers without recharge.

Accounting for reserves occurs many disputes, with the most optimistic estimates by the companies, and the most pessimistic by environmental groups and academic scientists. Where confrontation is most visible it is in the field of hydrocarbon reserves. Here the former tend to present as all known reserves more than expected to find sites. The latter emphasize the increased monetary cost of exploration and extraction, with only one new barrel found for every four consumed, and the thermodynamic cost (energy) increased, which decreases the value of average use of the new findings .

  • How to conserve environment

1º_Disminuir global warming.

Global warming can be lessened by avoiding fires, droughts, pollution, extinction, using more renewable energy, recycling ... to prevent the greenhouse effect.

2º_Evitar pollution.

To avoid contamination need to reduce the amount of gases, waste, waste, waste ... you let go and are harmful. For example use cars less and using public transport. And most importantly recycle.

3º_Impedir deforestation.

Ie try to have fewer fires. To do this when going to the field we must be careful not to allow ourselves anything like a bottle, a role ...

4º_Reducir drought.

Gradually if many droughts in one place, that I could be desertizar. We do not have to waste water. For example, spend less than you bathing water trough.

5º_Actuar against the extinction of plants.

Although most plants are cleared in the fire, yet we can not prevent otherwise disappear, protecting natural areas.

6º_Actuar against animal extinction.

As plants, animals die in fires. Not only can you avoid protected natural areas, also not making noise to avoid disturbing the breeding season.


Recycling is a very important task and that is in our hands. We separating plastics, paper, glass and organic contribute to the pollution.

8º_Utilizar more renewable energy.

Using renewable energy sources such as wind, sun or water is much better because they do not pollute, otherwise not renewable sources.


If we seek and investigate new solutions or proposals we can work further with the environment.


We have created associations such as Greenpeace or AENA. Tod @ s can help you perfectly, making these and more tips from our homes.


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