- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Porfolia Ingles De 5 años

Enviado por   •  4 de Noviembre de 2014  •  3.371 Palabras (14 Páginas)  •  139 Visitas

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My life in 2014

My name is Carlos de Armas, at the moment I'm living in Ecilda Paullier, San José, Uruguay.

I'm 16 years old, I'm living with my father, my mother and my brother

I started fifth year in humanistic, in the Jose Larguero high school , in my opinion this year is complicated because the new subjects as a citizen, sociology and geography but the most difficult subject is sociology.

I go to the high school 12:30 pm and i finish 6:25.

This year I also started playing soccer at the Club Atlético Artigas, I go practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 until 8:00.

On the first Saturday will play football and then go out with my friends, we have asado or some dancing, on Sundays I stay at home with my family.

At the moment I want to exonerate fifth and next year I want to do sixth year of economic, I will study in the faculty of business and administration, this is why I want to study when the schools finish.

My high school

November 1, 2014.

We are New Year and today I will speak as was my year in the high school.

This year I go to high school jose larguerro located in Artigas Avenue Ecilda Paullier.

This year was just as I had counted difficult, but not only was difficult because everything had to study and the requirement this year, but it was hard for all re-enter the new group class because when we choose orientations they joined the student 4°1 4°2 and we did not have much friendship with the other group and it cost us to unite as a group as before, classmates and friends who went to another high school is also strange because at this high no school guidance they were looking to do such as Manuela Serra and Facundo Hunziker they are making art.

This year we have added new peers as Yoanna who recently that I know and can say it is very good companion and person.

In May, humanistic have changes many different subjects and teachers, like sociology and ciudadana for example, we have a new teacher called Marcelo rey from Montevideo. We had philosophy last year but this year we have a new teacher and it cost us a lot to adapt the new way of she teach the class.

The most difficult subjects are sociology and philosophy, history and biology are more boring subjects, math and cuidadanal are more fun and entrertainig and geography, english and literature are more difficult ones.

The most difficult day is Thursday, we have history and philosophy and sociology, this is a very tiring day because they are extensive subjects.

After all, I hope I pass this year well, and next year will be a great year because we will have new challenges to beat.

A weekend with friends

A weekend with a friend it's best to at least've always had a great.

Our weekend usually are quiet and we get together all in one of the houses, we do a roast that always does Juan Manuel but first we make something to eat and then we always do different things or watch a horror movie where the conflict always starts at night because some do not want to watch horror movie and others do, but always end up watching horror movies or kiss invent some kind of play.

Or once a month we all go to the dance Café del Bosque while we rarely because almost all play football and we played on Sundays can not go, but in winter I prefer meals that we make dances because they are quieter and it happens more fun friend.

“Player of the people”

Carlos Alberto Tévez is an Argentine footballer who plays in the forward position.

He was born in 1984 in Ciudadela, Buenos Aires, Argentina and educated in the "fuerte Apache" district , he recognized as one of the most humble and dangerous neighborhoods. That’s where they gave the nickname "El Apache".

At the moment he is playing in Juventus, Italy.

At 10 months old, Tévez suffered third degree burns after he accidentally fell over boiling water. He has a large scar on the right chest. They have offered cosmetic surgery but he refused to do this operation because he would remain inactive for a long time in his career.

He began his professional training in the ranks of New All Boys, when he played from 1992-1996.

In 2001 this player signed his first professional contract. During 3 seasons, he participated in 75 games with Boca Juniors, and he scored 26 goals in that time.

In 2006, West Ham United hired him. The club paid for him the amount of 13.7 million pounds.

In 2007 Carlos signed a contract with Manchester United. The Red Devils paid him 20 million pounds for signing him.

In 2009 Manchester City - paid him a total of 47 million pounds.

Tévez is a player of the Italian Serie A. Juventus he come to Juventus on June of 2013.

Since 2004 Tevez is a member of the Argentinian National team.

Our opinion is that he is a great professional and a great person that proves that despite all the difficulties that he had in his childhood, he could keep going. He is an example for a lot of people.

Paul William Walker

He was born on September 12, 1973 in Glendale, California (USA).

Paul Walker was a former model, film and television actor, known for working on films like "Fast and Furious" and its sequels. His family consists of his mother Cheryl Crabtree, a former model, and her father Paul William Walker III, a contractor already retired.

He also has two younger brothers, Caleb and Cody and a younger sister named Ashlie.

Paul William Walker began acting at a young intervening in commercials and appearing in episodes of television series such as "Highway To Heaven" or "Who's The Boss?".

His first feature film was "The Monster Closet" (1986), horror comedy directed and written by Bob Dahlin.

In 2001 Walker rose to international fame with his role as Brian O'Conner in "Furious" (2001), a film co-starring Vin Diesel who met several sequels.

Later could be seen in the action film "Into the Blue" (2005), in which he appeared together with Jessica Alba in the mafia intrigue "Running Scared" (2006) or "Flags of Our Fathers" (2006 ), war film


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