Privatización De Entidades Del Gobierno Estadounidense.
Enviado por maneco83 • 26 de Noviembre de 2013 • 788 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 183 Visitas
Manuel Castro-Roman
PSC 142.002-K. Collier
Spring 2013
Privatization of public polices or services.
The one government entity that immediately comes to mind that would benefit our nation in being privatized; I believe is the United States Postal Service. In Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution, known as the “postal clause” Congress is given the power "To establish Post Offices and post Roads".
This clause was added to the Constitution to establish a service for easier interstate communication and commerce and as a way to create income for our newly established and young nation. However in the clause, never does it provide for Congress to maintain the postal service indefinitely. Nor does it state that this is a vital or required service of the United States government. It only gave Congress the power to establish a postal service.
At the beginning of the semester we had discussed the disadvantages and the little to no incentives for our government to engage in a service or business that has direct competition from private commerce and investment and vice versa. With the postal service we know they compete directly against Federal Express, United Parcel Service, DHL and many other regional and local delivery or courier services. Services that many believe (including me) provide a much better service than the USPS. From experience and all the parcels I have received throughout the years, UPS and FedEx have provided me a faster and more courteous service. These firms provide a better service because they have shareholders who they answer to by turning profits and a return on their investments. They have an incentive to provide good customer service.
On the other hand the only reason the government has in providing us with mail delivery is just a simple clause in our Constitution and nothing more. We now have better and more advanced systems that allow for easier interstate and international communications and commerce. The postal office has become antiquated and we don’t depend on it as much.
The postal service consists of distribution centers, routes, logistics, delivery vehicles, products and other services. That to me sounds like a business. And one that is bleeding billions of tax-payer dollars each year. It currently finds itself in the red and in the private sector a mismanaged organization like that would go out of business or would be acquired or merged with another firm. What should be disturbing to the U.S. tax payer is that time and time again, our government has shown us that when it engages in business and the private sector it tends to make bad investments. Solyndra and Fisker Cars being good examples. Government is just that, government. Not an investment bank.
Then why then do we allow our government to continue to mismanage it and not allow for it to