Enviado por williamchaparro • 8 de Marzo de 2015 • 617 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 214 Visitas
Definir la terminología y la estructura gramatical de los conceptos tanto del aula como de los lineamientos básicos del curso inglés II, para la aplicación de estos en el desarrollo de las diferentes actividades durante el periodo semestral.
• Reconocer y aplicar los conceptos dados en el aula para un excelente desarrollo del curso.
• Compartir información básica teniendo en cuenta su nivel de inglés.
Grammar Basic information, Verb to-be, simple present.
Vocabulary Class concepts, professions.
General aspects: Revisar los recursos del aula y el documento ruta del curso. Se presentará el trabajo final dentro de las fechas propuestas y será evaluado bajo los parámetros de la rúbrica.
Learning strategy: Aprendizaje basado en tareas.
Activities schedule:
Opening August 11th - 2014 00:00 am
Closing August 26th – 2014 11:55pm
Awaited product: Documento en .DOC en el link de tareas correspondiente con la información solicitada en la guía.
Evaluative weight 25 puntos
1. Participated in the Recognition Forum at least 3 times.
2. Read the guide and answer the points given.
3. Participate in the forum without attaching documents.
4. Upload the final activity in a .Doc file.
1st Part
Answer the questions below:
a. How many activities do you have to do in this course? Complete the chart.
Activity Grade Open on
Actividad de Presaberes 25 11/AGO/2014 00:00
Homework Unit 1 75 27/AGO/2014 00:00
Speaking Assignment 100 06/SEP/2014 00:00
Homework Unit 2 75 27/OCT/2014 00:00
Writing Assignment 100 01/NOV/2014 00:00
National Evaluation 125 29/NOV/2014 00:00
b. There is an activity where you have to meet with your tutor by Skype or another media, which one is it? Speaking Assignment
c. Your tutor’s name is ALEXANDER CUBILLOS, your course director is LEIDY DIANA SANCHEZ and your group is 90021-412.
d. Complete the chart
What can you find in …
Initial Environment Knowledge Environment Collaborative Environment Practical Environment Evaluation and Following Environment Student Management Environment
New forun
General Forun
Course Presentation File
Course Presentation.doc documento Word
Course Agenda
Course Agenda - Download documento PDF
Duties and Rights
e. In this course do you have to present collaborative activities? Name it.
f. Take a screen shot of your profile in this course, with all the information