- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Resumen Inglés Bachillerato.

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[pic 3]

Ministerio de Educación Pública

División de Control de Calidad y

Macroevaluación del Sistema Educativo

Departamento de Pruebas Nacionales

Convenio MEP-ICER

Programa de Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A.

Prueba de Inglés Térraba

Convocatoria:  01-2004

Total de puntos:  55

SELECCIÓN                                                                                  55 ÍTEMES

Look at the picture.

[pic 4]

[pic 5]

[pic 6]

Read the text.

[pic 7][pic 8]

[pic 9]

Read the text.  

[pic 10]

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences, from the previous text.

  1. The letter “n”, next to the word “May” is the _____________________.

  1. definition
  2. translation
  3. guide word
  4. part of the speech
  1. The “Entry word” is _____________________ in the text.
  1. Webster’s
  2. Year
  3. May
  4. Day
  1. The words: washing, walking, waiting, writing, have the same ___________________.
  1. ending
  2. definition
  3. guide word
  4. pronunciation
  1. "Fifth month of the year" is the  ____________________ of the word May in the text.
  1. definition
  2. word origin
  3. guide word
  4. pronunciation
  1. The basic part (root) of the word rulers is _____________________.
  1. rul
  2. rule
  3. ruler
  4. rulers

Read the text carefully.

[pic 11]

[pic 12]

[pic 13]

Look at the pictures.  Select the appropriate alternative to complete the questions.

  1. What are _________________?  Calendars.
  1. this[pic 14]
  2. that
  3. these
  4. those
  1. What’s _________________?  A book.
  1. this[pic 15]
  2. that
  3. these
  4. those
  1. Is _________________ a clock?  Yes, it is.
  1. this[pic 16]
  2. that
  3. these
  4. those
  1. Are _________________ scissors? No, they aren't.
  1. this[pic 17]
  2. that
  3. these
  4. those
  1. Are _________________ calculators?  Yes, they are.
  1. this[pic 18]
  2. that
  3. these
  4. those
  1. Is _________________ a table?  Yes, it is.
  1. this[pic 19]
  2. that
  3. those
  4. these
  1. What are _________________?  They're doors.
  1. these[pic 20]
  2. those
  3. that
  4. this

Read the dialogue.

[pic 21]

[pic 22]

Read the following instructions.

[pic 23]

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences according to the previous information.

  1. To get money in the National Bank in Desamparados, the first thing you have to do is _________________________.

  1. pass your hand over a special button
  2. pass a big room to be register
  3. talk to the worker
  4. stay on line
  1. In front of the worker the first thing you do is to _________________________.
  1. sign or write your name on the paper
  2. present your identification card
  3. answer the worker questions
  4. get the money
  1. Before you go to the window you _________________________.
  1. ask the worker for money
  2. present your credit card
  3. take your money
  4. stay on line
  1. The worker at the window asks you _________________________.
  1. to pass your hand over a special place
  2. to be register in a special room
  3. how much money do you want
  4. to give him the money

Look at the English classroom.

[pic 24]

Select the appropriate alternative to answer each question, according to the previous picture.

  1. Where are Alice and Nancy? _____________________.

  1. In the corner of the classroom
  2. In front of the board
  3. Behind the door
  4. Next to Rose
  1. Where is Fred standing? _____________________.
  1. On the corner of the classroom
  2. Far away from the teacher
  3. Next to the teacher
  4. On his chair
  1. Where is Rose standing? _____________________.
  1. Between Bill and Nancy
  2. Between Bill and Tom
  3. Near Nancy
  4. Behind Bill
  1. Where are the umbrellas? _____________________.
  1. Behind Alice
  2. Next to the teacher's desk
  3. On the corner, behind the door
  4. On the corner, far away from the board
  1. Where is the backpack? _____________________.
  1. Far away from Tom
  2. Behind the teacher
  3. Next to Rose
  4. On the table
  1. Where is Janet? __________________.
  1. Next to Alice
  2. Behind Fred
  3. Far from Bill
  4. In front of Rose

Read the following information.

[pic 25]

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences according to the previous information.


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