- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Tesis De Mercadotecnia

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Instrucciones: Cada uno de los siguientes ejercicios ofrece cinco alternativas, designadas con las letras A, B, C, D y E. Sólo una alternativa es correcta. Marque el espacio de la letra correspondiente en la hoja de respuestas.


I _ _ _ _ _ already _ _ _ _ _ lesson five.

(A) have . . . studied

(B) has . . . studying

(C) am . . . studied

(D) hasn´t . . . studied

(E) are . . . studying

La respuesta correcta es la opción (A), have . . . studied. Por lo tanto, debe marcar:

1. Dr. Schaffner lived in Mexico as a child. He _ _ _ _ _ Spanish fluently.

(A) speak

(B) is speak

(C) speaking

(D) speaks

(E) spoken

2. Tim and Don _ _ _ _ _ up late all this week in order to study for a difficult exam.

(A) are stayed

(B) is staying

(C) doesn't stay

(D) could stayed

(E) are staying

3. I hope that you are feeling _ _ _ _ _ today.

(A) gooder

(B) weller

(C) better

(D) more good

(E) more well

4. The house is not empty. There's somebody _ _ _ _ _ the window.

(A) at

(B) on

(C) in

(D) down

(E) under

5. After Jim and I left the party, the driver took _ _ _ _ _ home.

(A) we

(B) he and I

(C) they

(D) our

(E) us

6. The complete report _ _ _ _ _ by the principal's secretary.

(A) was typing

(B) was typed

(C) were typed

(D) typed

(E) typing

7. Mr. Allan's secretary called you about an hour ago and I told her that you would be _ _ _ _ _ for a couple of hours.

(A) out

(B) back

(C) over

(D) up

(E) away

8. If Miss Alaska _ _ _ _ _ taller, she would have a better chance to become Miss U.S.A.

(A) is

(B) were

(C) be

(D) would be

(E) will be

9. Pavlov's dogs were trained to receive food after a bell ring. They became so conditioned that they would salivate _ _ _ _ _ food followed the bell.

(A) whether or not

(B) in spite of

(C) however

(D) either

(E) although

10. Heavy jackets _ _ _ _ _ in this cold weather, instead of those light sweaters they gave us.

(A) should wear

(B) can wear

(C) should be worn

(D) are wearing

(E) we should wear

Instrucciones: A continuación se presentan tres pasajes seguidos por declaraciones basadas en su contenido. Después de leerlos, seleccione la mejor opción, basándose en lo que los pasajes afirman o implican. Luego marque el espacio de la letra correspondiente en la hoja de respuestas.

(Los pasajes para esta prueba han sido tomados de material impreso que presenta contenidos propios para el análisis o la evaluación. Las ideas que se incluyen en cada pasaje son responsabilidad exclusiva de su autor).

A common plant (Cannabis sativa), its chief psychoactive ingrediant is delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. The amount of THC in the marijuana cigarette (joint) primarily determines its psychoactive potencial.

Most users experience an increase in heart rate, reddening of the eyes, and dryness in the mouth and throat. Studies indicate the drug temporarily impairs short-term memory, alters sense of time, and reduces the ability to perform tasks requiring concentration, swift reactions, and coordination. Many feel that their hearing, vision, and skin sensitivity are enhanced by the drug, but these reports have not been objectively confirmed by research. Feelings of euphoria, relaxation, altered sense of body image, and bouts of exaggerated laughter are also commonly reported.

Scientists believe marijuana can be particularly harmful to lungs because users typically inhale the

filtered smoke deeply and hold it in their lungs for prolonged periods of time. Marijuana smoke has been found to have more cancer-causing agents than are found in cigarette smoke. Because marijuana use increases heart rate as much as 50% and brings on chest pains in people who have a poor blood supply to the heart (and more rapidly than tobacco smoke does), doctors believe people with heart conditions or who are at high risk for heart ailments, should not use marijuana. Findings also suggest that regular use may reduce fertility in women and that men with marginal fertility or endocrine functioning should avoid marijuana use and that it is especially harmful during adolescence, a period of rapid physical and sexual


Research is limited, but scientists believe marijuana which crosses the placential barrier, may have a toxic effect on embryos and fetuses.

Tolerance to marijuana, the need to take more and

more of the drug over time to get the original effect, has been proven in humans and animals. Physical dependence has been demonstrated in research subjects who ingested an amount equal to smoking 10 to 20 joints a day. When the drug was discontinued, subjects experienced withdrawal symptoms -irritability, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite and weight, sweating, and stomach upset-.

Most commonly reported immediate adverse reaction to marijuana use is the "acute panic anxiety reaction," usually described as an exaggeration of normal marijuana effects in which intense fears of losing control and going crazy accompany severe anxiety. The symptoms often disappear in a few hours when the acute drug effects have worn off.

11. Which of the following statements expresses the main idea of the passage?

(A) Marijuana, its effects and dangers.

(B) Thorough research on the use of marijuana.

(C) Reported experiences on marijuana users.

(D) Findings on the effects of marijuana.

(E) Reactions to marijuana smoking.

12. In line 11 the word swift, as used in the passage, means

(A) alive.

(B) quick.

(C) sensitive.

(D) slow.

(E) smart.

13. According to the passage, marijuana users feel

(A) a sense of time.

(B) an increase in their sensitivity.

(C) an ability to concentrate.

(D) an exaggerated seriousness.

(E) an image of their body.

14. According to the passage, marijuana


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