- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Una Conversacion En Ingles

Enviado por   •  30 de Octubre de 2013  •  392 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  546 Visitas

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c: Hey, are you a new student?

J: Yes, I am

C: ok. What is your full name?

J: My name is Julia chininin calero

C: Julia, my name is Cinthia palacios briceño.

C: Nice to meet you

J: Nice to meet you too

c: how old are you?

j: I am 22 years old

c :how are you?

J: I am fine thanks and you?

C: I am very well

c: where do you live?

j: I live in Piura

c: ok

j: and you?

c: I live in Catacaos

c: can use a computer?

j: Yes, I can. I love using the computer

j: can speak Chinese?

c: no, I can not, but I can speak Spanish...

C: what are you like?

J: I am funny , hard working and polite and you

C:I am friendly polite and funny

c: what is your daily routine like?

j: my dayly routine is very exciting because .I get up at 6:00 am . then I brush it my teeth a shower . I have breakfast at 6: 45 and go to institute of idiomas.

J: do you study?

C: yes I do , I study busines dministracion in nup

J:cinthia , how often do you surf the net

C: I sometimes surf de net

C : how often do you download information?

J : I always download information.

J: do you live in a house or in a flat?

C: I live in a house . my house is very big . it has ten rooms . there is a livinroom , daininroom , kitchen .

J: what is there in your bedroom?

C: there is a bed mirror a lamp a picturs a bedside a camb.

J:where is de bed

C: the bed is in the bedroom nexto de window.

c: how many people are there in your family?

J: we are four people in my family

C: who are they ?

J: my mother , my father , my sister and I .

J: to that person you admire?

C: I admire my sister because she is a role model , she always went forward despite all de problems that were presented , she is a girl with principles and values .

J: what is she like?

C: she is friendly , funny and hardworking .

J: what do she look like?

C: mily is a beautiful , she is tall , slim , she is 26 years old

J: ok cinthia I like to talk to you

C: good bye

J: bye

C: cinthia

J: julia ch


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