- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Vet Intrview

Enviado por   •  8 de Junio de 2013  •  200 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  360 Visitas

Colegio De La Salle



PI : Hi, I saw the advertisment, in the window and i want the job

PII : Oh! , hi come in... Well i need ask you a few questions

PI : Okey I'm ready

PII : This will take some time so you should have a sit. Where have you been working ?

PI : I have been working as a private vet

PII : Can you work full-time ?

PI : Yeah i can but i ought to know wich will be my salary

PII : Hmm... you will work ten hours each day, so your base salary will be $ 1000 and you will receive an additional money for each animal assisted.

PI : That sounds good

PII : Have you ever been trainee ?

PI : No, i have just worked as a private vet

PII : Where have you studied ?

PI: I have studied in Universidad Mayor in Santiago,Chile

PII : That's all you have the necesary's qualifications for this job so you are hired

PI : Thanks a lot i have been waiting this opportunity

PII : you’d better go home, It’s getting dark

PI : Okey, see you soon

PII : Goodbye


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