- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Viaje Canada

Enviado por   •  21 de Octubre de 2013  •  1.122 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  264 Visitas

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Embajada Canadá:

Colombia Av. 19 Nº 120 -71, Piso 4 - Of. 403, Edif. Falabella, Bogotá 005715087710

Documentos necesarios para solicitud de visado

Visado de Turista:

• Formulario de Inscripción

• Foto tamaño pasaporte

• Pasaporte válido con una página entera en blanco

• Billete de regreso

• Evidencia de solvencia económica durante su estancia

• Comprobante del propósito de tu visita

• Pago de la tasa de visado

• Seguro de viaje

• Documentos de identificaron y razones para volver

• Fondos económicos para cubrir estancia

• Ticket de vuelta, carnet de conducir, libreta de vacunas, tarjeta sanitaria y carnet de estudiante

• Detalles de viaje de vuelo.

• Pasado Judicial

Application Process

A letter of acceptance will be issued upon receipt of the completed registration form and a deposit. Please check with the school on deposit policy. The original copy may be mailed, faxed, or emailed upon request. The school is not responsible for any extra courier charges.


Students under the age of 18 (under 19 in Victoria and Vancouver) must have their application co-signed by a parent or legal guardian. Underage students may also be required to submit underage agreements signed by their parents. Custodianship may also need to be arranged.


Students may be required to pre-pay tuition fees when applying for student visas. Check with school and local consulate or embassy on payment methods and any other requirements. Payment may be made by credit card, wire transfer, money order, or bank draft. Additional bank charges may also apply. Student visas may take two months or more to process.


Check fee sheets and our website for individual school policies. To be considered for a refund a student must submit a written notice of withdrawal to the school.The date of receipt of the written notice determines which cancellation charges will be applied. Refunds will be issued within 30 days of receipt of the notice.

Changes and availability

Start dates, programs and course content may change at any time and without prior notice. The fees, dates and conditions listed in this website are subject to change at any time and without prior notice. All courses are available based on enrolment.


Global Village and its member schools accept no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage to the personal belongings or property of a student or program participant or for any injury to or death of a student or program participant occurring on or off school property. Students must comply with the rules of the school. Failure to do so may result in dismissal. Please contact the school for refunds in case of dismissal. Directors must receive a written description of all complaints. Please check with the school regarding a complaint resolution procedure.

Medical insurance

Sufficient medical insurance must be obtained before arrival. $500,000 minimum coverage is strongly recommended. Global Village English Centres do not take responsibility for any misinformation found in third party materials.

City: Bogota

Name: Augusto Sabogal

Address: Calle 93B,

# 18-84,

Cons. 111,

Telephone: (57 1) 610-4062

(57 1) 635 9731

Spoken Languages: English, Spanish


Based on your answers, you may be eligible to come to Canada as a student.

To apply online, you will need this personal checklist code: KK1914426750

Step 1:

Record your personal checklist code. This code will expire on Friday November 22 2013 4:04:39 PM GMT. It is valid only for this application. When you return to the CIC site to apply online, you will need to enter your personal checklist code. We will use this code to retrieve the list of documents you need to submit with your application.

Step 2:

Print this page. You will need this information to apply.

Step 3:



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