- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

40 Ways To Sabotage Your School

Enviado por   •  22 de Abril de 2014  •  1.833 Palabras (8 Páginas)  •  1.013 Visitas

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______________| - 40 Ways to Sabotage Your School - |_____________


________________| Donated by: Cosmic Charlie & The Doctor |_______________



What follows is one of the most irresponsible exercises in free speech I

have ever seen. It was first printed in 1968 by some high school kids in

America's industrial heartland and most recently (in English at any rate) in

England after the riots there in 1982. Of course I reprinted it for purely

educational purposes - just to show you how irresopnsible free speech can get.

I take no responsibility for the actions of individuals who use this text.

Now that we got all the bullshit out of the way here are the 40 ways I've

been telling you about.


1. Put a rotten apple or stale sandwich in the teacher's desk.

2. Steal the attendance book. Add in and rub out ticks, and replace or

just burn it. Same goes for unguarded conduct sheets or reports.

Don't miss your chance.

3. Fill a syringe (minus needle) with mixed epoxy & alcohol. You now have

30 minutes to fill locks, etc., before the glue hardens. You can also

use cement, super glue or even bits of wood, nails, etc.

4. Another use of the syringe is to pretend to shoot up when the teacher

is watching. Explain that that you have to do it because school is so


5. Phone the school at random times. Try flood, fire or bomb warnings.

Disguise your voice and hold a handkerchief over your mouth.

6. Pretend to have food poisoning (after lunch break). Get lots of people

to join in. Roll on the floor, or get sick by pushing your fingers

down your throat. Try it in assembly. With luck you can start general


7. Draw or paint slogans on roll down maps or slide screens. Obscenities

are best.

8. Hand out notices to new pupils telling them which teachers are nasty

...and why.

9. Bad food? Have a good old fashioned food riot.

10. Organize massive searches for "lost" contact lenses in gym class or in

hallways between classes. Don't let anyone walk through the hall as

they might step on it. Pretending you've lost something is a good

cover for all kinds of subversive behavior.

11. If you still have to wear uniforms, try wearing them back to front in

protest. Dare boys & girls to wear each other's uniforms. If this

doesn't work, try a blanket protest.

12. Try political games. School is 12 years brainwashing without trial.

Slowdowns, work to rules, strikes and occupations are fun. But don't

let leaders or ego trippers speak for you.

13. Get everyone to bring in all their pets to school to show the teacher.

14. Write down a list of all the stupid rubbish or rules you have to learn

& hand it out on sports day or open day.

15. Now & then get loads of students to rush to the office to get a rumor

confirmed or denied.

16. Make a citizens arrest on your worst teacher. Drag him/her in front of

the class and put him/her on trial for rotting the minds of youth.

17. Rip off dishes and silverware from the cafeteria, office equipment from

the office, paint & other art materials from the art room, light bulbs

from the sockets, toilet paper from the jacks, etc.,etc. Donate them

to yourselves or local anarchist group.

18. During lunch break turn on and light all gas taps in the science lab.

Make sure your not caught at this prank & try a good disguise.

19. Get everyone to demand to see their school records files, because

everyone else (police, social workers, etc.) is allowed to see them.

20. Make a fuse by sticking


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