Enviado por coichi33 • 28 de Febrero de 2013 • Informe • 373 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 251 Visitas
Alcohol has been a problem for a long time, but now its abuse is increasing in our society, especially among teenagers. This problem causes some problems, which affect indirectly to their relatives. “Alcoholism or alcohol dependence is defined by the American Medical Association (AMA) as a primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations." However, not only the one who is drinking is being affected but, also their friends and relatives. One question that people have never asked themselves is when this problem ends up being alcoholism.
Drinking has many consequences such as social and emotional effects and it creates family issues. Other repercussions of drinking alcohol are the changes in behavior and the loss of judgment. Some other common problems that are related with the ingestion of alcohol are ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, hallucinations, dementia and even death. Alcohol develops mental problems such as anti social behavior and eventually Alzheimer.
The risk of developing alcoholism has a definite genetic component. Studies have shown that relatives of alcoholics have more of a chance to fall into alcoholism. This risk exists even for adopted children, even if they are raised in a non-alcoholic adoptive family with no knowledge of their biological family's alcohol use. However, no specific gene for alcoholism has been found, and environmental and social factors are thought to play an important role in whether a person becomes alcohol dependent or not.
Scientists say that there are two types of alcoholism, the first developed in adulthood and it is more often related with the desire to isolate work problems. The second type is developed during the teenage years and it is associated with extreme violence and loss of memories. Although not all scientists accept these as true they are the most commonly known and accepted by a majority of society.
The government should be more aware of the consequences and risks of alcoholism. They should create a campaign to show the adverse affects of alcoholism in teenagers and lead to fewer teenage drinkers. Teenagers should not drink alcohol too early so they will not have problems with any diseases that were mentioned before. Alcohol should have stronger restrictions in stores in order to discourage teenage buyers.