- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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LUIS EDUARDO MARTINEZ SANTISBÓN                                 #23

RODOLFO MARCELINO PEÑA SANCHEZ                                 #30

RODOLFO EDUARDO PEREZ CERDA                                #32

CRISTIAN ALEXIS GONZALEZ COLUNGA                                 #15

GERMAN GARZA ALMAGUER                                        #12

ERNESTO YAÑEZ CABALLERO                                         #48

GRUPO: 412

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If in Spain what they take are costumes in UK public money goes to mortgages politicians. Corruption is the order of the day in the UK, this country has experienced in recent corruption cases where different talked up to 10 politicians involved.

The train of life led by British politicians was what the eyes betrayed Review published. In 2009 the British newspaper 'The Daily Telegraph' began to bring to light various information where implicating Labour politicians and conservative allegedly used public money for personal expenses.The scandal of 'The parliamentary expenses', the name by which he became known, eventually involving six political, four Labour and two Conservative. The Labour Elliot Morley was one of them, was secretary of state for agriculture. He was suspended by his party after admitting he asked 16,000 pounds (about 17,800 euros) of public money to pay your mortgage in 2007. However a few months later discovered that Morley had already settled the debt with the bank on March 1 2006. Deputy attributed this to an accounting error. But his excuse was worth little, a few months later was marred by a second scandal. Had allegedly rented another apartment that had another deputy of his party, this rental income amounted to 1,200 euros a quantity which was also paid by public funds. Conservative Andrew Mackay also was carried away by the boom in real estate '. In 2009 he paid the mortgage on a home with public money. His wife, also a deputy, was not far behind and did the same with another of the family estate. Mackay in tempted to reveal their expenses before the press echoed the news was made, but his gallantry served him coffee grounds. A few days later had to resign over the scandal.

The names are: Davis Chaytor and Shahid Malik are other politicians who have been implicated in cases of doubtful morality. Chaytor was a labor deputy and in 2009 was suspended after learning that he had asked nearly 15,000 euros to pay a mortgage. Undersecretary of State for Justice, Shahid Malik, was forced to resign after he relate to irregularities in payments from taxpayers. In 2010, Prime Minister Gordon Brown decided to stay militancy three former Labour MPs and ministers. Two of them had been in the previous month Government of that date, former Minister of Defence and Transport, Geoff Hoon, and the former for Health and Industry, Patricia Hewitt. Both were filmed secretly by journalists of The Times' and 'Channel Four' who posed as representatives of US companies seeking influences on the British government to do business. The two fell into the trap and even uttered phrases like "we are like a taxi, ready to be rented" and even came to appose money to work, "3,000 for a day".


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