Causes of non- vaccination in poor countries.
Enviado por nani21 • 26 de Marzo de 2015 • Síntesis • 476 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 190 Visitas
Causes of non- vaccination in poor countries.
Nathalia Martínez 2012-0595
March 26, 2015
Nowadays many people in the world, especially in poor countries, have not been vaccinated. This is a problem that affects people’s health by giving them the chance to be infected with a disease that could have been eradicated. They could infect others, as well. The purpose of a vaccine is to prevent the invasion of a pathogen by enhancing our immune systems. However, unfortunately there is a lack of vaccination in poor countries because of people’s ignorance, superstition and fear.
In poor countries, there is a lot of ignorance about vaccines. Most of them do not know about the benefits of getting vaccinated. They even don’t have the idea of how our body really works, and how they could infect other, too. For example, people take for granted the opinions of non-specialists in medicine. They certainly take false beliefs that the vaccine is harmful to their health in some way. According to Polio Vaccination Efforts in India Focus on Convincing Parents of Safety (2009), in India parents hide their children from health officials because of rumors that the vaccine is dangerous. In addition, in line with peoples’ beliefs or superstitions, they don’t allow this scientific breakthrough get applied to them.
Most of the people have the superstition about getting worse if they get a shot of a virus. This is also barrier for getting vaccinated. Sebastian Mhofu (2012) informs, “In Zimbabwe, vaccination of children has in the past met with resistance from some parents, who say their children became ill after the shots”. Because of this, they are more likely to believe that children should not require immunizations. And, also pressure others not to get vaccinated and increase the fear about it.
Because of the lack of knowledge about vaccines, people are afraid of what could happen. For example, when the first vaccine was invented, the smallpox vaccine, people were afraid on turning into cow-like hybrids. Nowadays, some are afraid and bring the excuse that they don’t need it, because others already have vaccinated. But, people have to overcome this fear and get vaccinated. So, as Joe DeCapua said, “vaccines scares should be part of global immunization policies”.
Finally, ignorance, superstition and fear are some of the causes why people don’t get vaccinated. In order to protect all of us, there have to be approaches from medical officials. And inform the population about the benefits of vaccines. And people get immunized and have a community responsibility. And last but not least as Sebastian Mhofu said, “vaccination remains a key intervention in giving a person a chance of life”.
• Decapua, Joe. (2012, April 05). Overcoming Fear of Vaccinations. Retrieve from
• (2009,