Gay Awereness
Enviado por vindel • 29 de Noviembre de 2013 • 1.184 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 212 Visitas
Does it bother you to hear the phrase “that’s so gay”? If it does you probably belong to a minority of the Honduran population. To many Hondurans, due to ignorance, the fact of this phrase being used so often by so many adults and children is not a big issue. In this essay I will discuss some main reasons why I believe this phrase shouldn’t be used and some ways we can battle against this. The first and most powerful reason why “that’s so gay” shouldn’t be used by anyone is the simple fact that using this phrase is a type of bullying, a behavior so many organizations have made an effort to eliminate. Another reason I believe this phrase shouldn’t be used is the fact that it starts a trend of ignorance, were any negative phrase is used so often and repeated so much that all of us forget where it started and how powerful it is to some. Although there are many other reasons why this phrase shouldn’t exist, I would also like to talk about some of the efforts we can do on a daily basis to eliminate this type of bullying that all of us use and that the homosexual community has to tolerate every day.
According to the page bullying is “unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance”. Although this definition is very true in the case of this phrase the bullying has reached other limits, to the extent that most adults use this type of phrases too. Many people say “that’s so gay “to reflect something that is negative, girly or stupid. Being gay is something that in our culture is seen as negative therefore terms such as this phrase, that put down homosexual people are common in our everyday speech. Many Hondurans use this phrase just to demonstrate how terrible the fact of being “gay” is to them. When we do something bad or incorrect and somebody calls us stupid we feel insulted and bothered by it, even when we know we did something incorrect. I mention this just so that we take 2 seconds to think about how a homosexual person would feel about being called a phrase that we have turned into negative, just for doing something that is not incorrect, but that is its human nature. Science has proven that many homosexuals are “gay” due to a scientific fact relating directly to their chromosomes. Bullying can be showed not only in action but also in speech. Many people don’t realize it but sometimes a word can hurt more than a beating especially when you take into consideration who is saying these words to you. All of that is a direct result that a beating is just a physical aggression that with time we can forget, but an insult is not because in our culture most of us lack of emotional intelligence and nobody educates us on how to improve this intelligence which is one of the most important ones for us in my opinion. Therefore there are many reasons as to why using the phrase “that’s so gay” should be considered bullying and should be stopped.
One of the main issues that the Honduran society has in my opinion is ignorance. Many people when they talk about the problems that should be solved in Honduras always tend to get to education. The real problem that many Hondurans have is really ignorance about the power of their speech. In the U.S.A. this is a topic that has been given much importance with the First Amendment rights. Many people in Honduras just say what they want to say and never take a second to realize