- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

La relación del comportamiento con la calse social

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Asignatura: Psicología en las organizaciones



Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

Profesora: María Magdalena Fernández Valera





Curso académico:   2021/2022


1.        Instrucciones de la Práctica 1        3

2.        Cuadro: ¿Mito o Ciencia?        4

3.    Análisis de un artículo científico.        10

  1. Instrucciones de la Práctica 1

Uno de los retos de impartir una asignatura sobre comportamiento organizacional es que los alumnos/as suelen ingresar con muchos conceptos preconcebidos que se aceptan como hechos. Es probable que piensen que ya saben mucho sobre el comportamiento de las personas en las organizaciones. Algo poco común en las finanzas, la contabilidad o las asignaturas de ciencias puras. Sin embargo, el comportamiento organizacional se ha construido a lo largo de los años a través de décadas de investigación que proporcionan evidencia sustantiva para proporcionar a los gestores en las organizaciones una base sólida sobre la que construir sus políticas organizacionales.

Una vez dicho esto, la resolución de esta práctica es muy sencilla. En primer lugar, se encontrarán con un cuadro en el que aparece una serie de afirmaciones. Se trata de los conceptos o mitos más extendidos sobre el comportamiento organizacional y la psicología en las organizaciones. Al lado de las afirmaciones, aparecen dos columnas: en la primera deben marcar si tras leerla creen que es verdadera o falsa, en la segunda aparece el abstract de un artículo científico realizado sobre el tema de la afirmación, tras leerlo deberán marcar si la afirmación es verdadera o falsa. Así, podrán comprobar si estaban en lo cierto.

Espero que esta práctica les resulte interesante y les sirva para recordar que el estudio del comportamiento humano en el trabajo es una ciencia y como tal, su aplicación práctica en las organizaciones debe basarse en la evidencia científica.

En segundo lugar, se les propone un artículo científico sobre comportamiento organizacional en   las Fuerzas Armadas. Deben leer el resumen del artículo (al que pueden acceder en texto completo si lo desean) y contestar las preguntas.

  1. Cuadro: ¿Mito o Ciencia?


A priori: ¿Mito o Ciencia?


Tras leer el Abstract,

¿Diría que es Mito o Ciencia?

“Perro viejo no aprende nuevos trucos”

(Davies, E. M., Hanley, K., Jenkins, A. K., & Chan, C. (2017). Learning and training for older workers. In Managing the Ageing Workforce in the East and the West. Emerald Publishing Limited)


Older workers represent an increasingly important source of labour for organisations. However, in many organisations, older workers are less likely to be offered training opportunities than their younger compatriots. This is due, in part, to negative stereotypical assumptions about older workers by managers. Learning and training are influenced by an individual’s career span and motivation. As a person ages, their work-related needs will change. There is a shift from growing and developing their career to a focus on security, maintenance, emotional satisfaction and mastery. Cognitive change takes place during a person’s life, and a gradual decline in primary mental abilities can be expected, but the notions of general decline are simplistic and misleading. A person is able to learn at any age and the older worker is capable of adjusting to changes in work. Many people assume that older workers are homogeneous but this is not the case. There are significant differences between older workers and these differences need to be acknowledged and understood.


“Los trabajadores felices son más productivos”

Katebi, A., HajiZadeh, M. H., Bordbar, A., & Salehi, A. M. (2021). The Relationship Between “Job Satisfaction” and “Job Performance”: A Meta-analysis. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 1-22.


The purpose of this meta-analytic research is to obtain a clear and unified result for the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance, as previous research has shown contradictions in this regard. A total of 913 articles in both English and Persian languages were obtained from four databases, and finally, 113 articles with 123 independent data were selected and analyzed. The random-effects model was adopted based on results, and the analysis resulted a medium, positive, and significant relationship between job performance and job satisfaction (r = 0.339; 95% CI = 0.303 to 0.374; P = 0.000). Increasing and improving the job performance of employees have always been an important issue for organizations.


“Los emprendedores están hechos de una pasta especial”

Zhao, H., & Seibert, S. E. (2006). The Big Five personality dimensions and entrepreneurial status: A meta-analytical review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(2), 259–271.  


In this study, the authors used meta-analytical techniques to examine the relationship between personality and entrepreneurial status. Personality variables used in previous studies were categorized according to the five-factor model of personality. Results indicate significant differences between entrepreneurs and managers on 4 personality dimensions such that entrepreneurs scored higher on Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience and lower on Neuroticism and Agreeableness. Considerable heterogeneity existed for all of the personality variables except Agreeableness, suggesting that future research should explore possible moderators of the personality-entrepreneurial status relationship.


“Todo el mundo quiere un trabajo que implique retos”

Sims Jr, H. P., & Szilagyi, A. D. (1976). Job characteristic relationships: Individual and structural moderators. Organizational behavior and human performance17(2), 211-230.


This research investigated the question of how characteristics of the individual moderated the relationships between perceptions of job characteristics and employee expectancies, satisfaction, and performance. The results generally confirmed that individuals who have higher self-actualization need strength are potentially better candidates for job enrichment. The nature of task requirements at different occupational levels and the influence on job characteristic relationships were discussed.


“Dos cabezas piensan mejor que una”

Henningsen, D. D., Cruz, M. G., & Miller, M. L. (2000). Role of social loafing in predeliberation decision making. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice4(2), 168.


The relationship between social loafing and decision making was examined in an individual predeliberation thinking task. Participants (N = 189) were asked to read information and make decisions ostensibly in order to make a future individual or group decision. Individuals who anticipated working alone or who believed they were making individual decisions recalled more information than did those who anticipated working in groups or who believed they were making grupal decisions.


“Los hombres son mejores líderes que las mujeres”

Eagly, A. H. (2007). Female leadership advantage and disadvantage: Resolving the contradictions. Psychology of women quarterly31(1), 1-12.


In the United States, women are increasingly praised for having excellent skills for leadership and, in fact, women, more than men, manifest leadership styles associated with effective performance as leaders. Nevertheless, more people prefer male than female bosses, and it is more difficult for women than men to become leaders and to succeed in male-dominated leadership roles. This mix of apparent advantage and disadvantage that women leaders experience reflects the considerable progress toward gender equality that has taken place in both attitudes and behavior, coupled with the lack of complete attainment of this goal.


“La primera impresión es la que cuenta”

Survey Finds Employers Form Opinions of Job Interviewees Within 10 Minutes, IPMA-HR Bulletin, 21 de abril de 2007, p. 1.



Job seekers don't have much time to win over hiring managers, a new Accountemps survey suggests. More than half (52 per cent) of human resources (HR) managers polled said they form a positive or negative opinion of candidates during interviews in 10 minutes or less.

For some, impressions are made even quicker. Nearly three in 10 (29 per cent) respondents indicated it takes them five minutes or less to draw conclusions about an interviewee.

The survey was developed by Accountemps, the world's first and largest specialised staffing service for temporary accounting, finance and bookkeeping professionals, and conducted by an independent research firm. It includes telephone interviews with more than 150 HR managers at Canadian companies with 20 or more employees.


“Las reuniones estresan a las personas”

S. G. Rogelberg, D. J. Leach, y P. B. Warr, y J. L. Burnfield, “Not Another Meeting!’Are Meeting Time Demands Related to Employee Well-Being?” Journal of Applied Psychology 91, no. 1

(2006), pp. 86-96.


En un estudio de 676 empleados, los investigadores descubrieron

que el tiempo dedicado a las juntas llevaba a reacciones

positivas (más satisfacción en el trabajo, menos depresión e

intenciones de renunciar) en las personas cuyo trabajo era interdependiente, pero a negativas para aquellas con labores independientes.

Este resultado tiene sentido porque si usted depende de otros individuos para hacer el trabajo, las reuniones son una forma productiva de intercambiar información y coordinar los esfuerzos.

Aún más interesantes fueron los resultados de un segundo

estudio con 304 empleados de Estados Unidos y el Reino

Unido. Los investigadores descubrieron que en las personas

orientadas al logro –aquellas que perseguían metas con

intensidad– las reuniones producían reacciones negativas. Sin

embargo, para las personas que no tenían tan marcada esa

característica, el tiempo que pasaban en reuniones era positivo.

Por último, los investigadores también observaron en el

segundo estudio que las actitudes de las personas respecto de

las reuniones sí tenían importancia. Si tenían actitudes positivas

hacia ellas, entonces éstas resultaban agradables y generaban

menos tensión. Para las personas con actitudes negativas, se

cumplía lo opuesto. Por tanto, la actitud hacia las reuniones

tiene algo de profecía autocumplida: si piensa que son una pérdida

de tiempo, entonces lo serán.



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