Manual sobre nuestro entorno laboral
Enviado por Paola2002romero • 20 de Abril de 2020 • Ensayo • 850 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 132 Visitas
[pic 1][pic 2]
Nombre institucional:
Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnico “Roberto Ruiz Obregón”
Nombre del trabajo a entregar:
Manual sobre nuestro entorno laboral
Nombre del alumno:
Paola Itzel Romero Flores
Semestre y grupo:
6to semestre, 616 MFD
Nombre del docente:
José Luis Avilés Piña
Comunicación especializada en ingles
Alimentos y bebidas
[pic 3]
- Manual development........……………………………..4 y 5
- Annexes………………………………..………………...6.
Image index
image 1 4
image 2 4
image 3 4
image 4 5
image 5 5
Recommendations at work
- You must separate your personal life with your work life.
- there must be teamwork
- to have initiative
- must be responsible
- You should be interested in learning more and more.
- Need for commitment to their work and to the organization.
- You must do your homework at work
- You must be respectful of all workers.
- You must eat in the employee dining room only.
- There should be no rudeness at work
- You have to arrange the utensils you used in the right place.
Obligations at work
- They must comply with the work rules that are applied to them.
- They need to observe the preventive and hygienic measures agreed by the authorities. [pic 4][pic 5]
- They should perform the service in a rewarding way.
- They must carry out the work with the appropriate intensity, care and care and in the agreed form, time and place.
- They need to give immediate notice to human resources, except by chance or force majeure for justified reasons that prevent them from attending their work.
- They should inform the warehouse of unused materials and keep in good condition the instruments and products that they have been given for work.
- Good customs must be observed during the service.
- They need to organize with each area about the events.
- You have to inform human resources of the diseases that are contagious.
- They must notify the head of the area of the deficiencies that they notice in order to avoid damage or prejudice to the interests.
- They have to keep scrupulously the technical and commercial and manufacturing secrets of the products.[pic 6][pic 7]
[pic 8][pic 9]
Needs at work
- More material is needed to work since they do not ask for enough you must from time to time.
- More machinery and tools are needed to carry out the work properly.
- They need more constant and diverse training.
- They should add more signs throughout the kitchen.
- More responsibility is need in the kitchen, as sometimes they are playing and accidents happen.
- More kitchens are need since in some rooms food has to be transported to rooms removed from there.
Prohibitions at work
- You mustn’t perform any act that could jeopardize your own safety and that of your co-workers.
- The worker does not have to miss work without just cause or without the employer's permission.
- You mustn’t subtract work supplies or processed raw material from the company.
- Report to work while intoxicated.
- You mustn’t Report to work under the influence of a narcotic or perplexing drug.
- You don´t have to carry weapons of any kind during working hours.
- You mustn’t suspend work without authorization from the employer.
- Don’t need to use the phone during working hours
- Should wash their hands constantly if they are on duty
- You mustn’t use tools provided by the head of the area for an object other than the one for which they are intended.
- You mustn’t make any kind of advertising during working hours, inside the establishment.
- You should not take food from the kitchen for your own consumption.[pic 10][pic 11]
[pic 12][pic 13]
We use modal verbs in English very frequently: it is a type of auxiliary verb that adds different meanings.
- I can work on moons
- Could I miss work on Tuesday?
- I would like salads in the dining room
- May
- May take 5 vacation days this month
- Shall
- You shall not pass.
- Shall we dance?
- Will
- I will go with you to the doctor and I will miss work.
- Must
- I am late. I must go work now.