- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Tips to introduce yourself

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Tips to introduce yourself

El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad resolver los interrogantes planteados, realizar una presentación coherente en idioma Ingles así como un perfil profesional.

  • Who are you? always be clear about who you are…asking that question to you and remember all the good things that you had, don’t try to be somebody else.

Respuesta: soy una persona trabajadora, que se esfuerza por su familia, que siempre intenta superarse y ofrecer lo mejor, pendiente de mejorar todos los aspectos de su vida y de gozar su existencia, en lo laboral soy exigente con el trabajo, procuro realizar de la mejor manera mi trabajo para que el resultado sea óptimo para satisfacer al cliente.

Answer: I am a hardworking person, who strives for his family, who always tries to overcome himself and offer the best, pending to improve all aspects of his life and enjoy his existence, in the work I am demanding with the work, I try to perform in the best way my work so that the result is optimal to satisfy the client.

  • Who is your audience? an important part of any introduction is to consider your audience. Who exactly are you introducing yourself to? What will they find interesting and compelling? what can you share that might help to quickly build common ground and help you make a connection?

Respuesta: mi presentación está dirigida a los directivos de la compañía en la que trabajo y a posibles empleadores que deseen conocer mi perfil personal y laboral, así como a los posibles socios comerciales con los que se cree un vínculo comercial.

Answer: my presentation is addressed to the managers of the company in which I work and prospective employers who want to know my personal and work profile, as well as possible business partners with whom a business link is created.

  • Who are my competitors and market? what are the abilities of the competitors and how I can persuade my clients choose me better that the others. Understand very well the field of action gives by you that create advantages over the competitors.

Respuesta: mis posibles competidores son las empresas fabricantes de frituras comestibles empacados en presentación personal y familiar, las cuales se encuentran posicionadas en el mercado.

Answer: My potential competitors are the companies that produce packaged fried foods packaged in personal and family presentation, which are positioned in the market.

  • What are you good at? explain your capacities, experience, abilities; what makes you different with the competitors.

Respuesta: tengo experiencia en la fabricación y distribución de alimentos, manejamos productos de excelente calidad y nuestra principal ventaja con los competidores del mercado es el método tradicional de preparación lo que ofrece un producto de calidad superior.

Answer: I have experience in the manufacture and distribution of food, we handle products of excellent quality and our main advantage with the competitors of the market is the traditional method of preparation which offers a product of superior quality.


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