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Why Is The Patriarchy Bad?

Enviado por   •  6 de Octubre de 2013  •  1.854 Palabras (8 Páginas)  •  675 Visitas

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The patriarchy literally refers to "men being the power figures of society and culture structure (like politics and the like) [in order to benefit other men]."

Have you ever heard the phrase "You're the man of the house now" in movies?

Particularly when a father is leaving his wife and he has a young son with her?

It implies that women (regardless of age, intelligence or status) aren't capable of taking care of/being in charge of/being in a position of power!

In the same manner, it's used in politics.

Did you know there are about 673 (I think they pushed past 700 this year- call me out if it's wrong!) controlling woman's bodies? What you are and not allowed to do with your body because of genitals!

And none for men, can you imagine someone actually stopping you in the mall and arresting you because you're baring your arms? Scary!!

The patriarchy believes women are incapable of (properly) using power (so to speak). Therefore set them to place lower than a toddler that can barely speak. (A wonderful example of a capable intelligent woman in the USA that was denied political opinions to aid women (in regaining body autonomy) is Wendy Davis)

This has horrible social/cultural repercussions on women (as well as men!).

In media like movies and tv shows and the like for example,

Women are often sexualized and used as a side character/plot motive- rather than a lead or an actual character with depth. (I believe the term is "The Fighting Fuck Toy" in the industry of comics, y'know super impractical clothes and ridiculously curvaceous body structure and questionable anatomy to show of them curves.)

Which is the opposite for men, who are empowered and fantasized as being flawless leaders. (Which is reaaaally bad because, if you’re not this “ideal, top of your game alpha male, you’re seen as less of a human being- and that just ain’t cool man!)

(If you like, say The Walking Dead [which is one of my fave shows], you can see clear examples of this, women often die in order for men to advance in their character development, or they're only there for sexual pleasure. Not really because they stand on their own like men do. Which is the opposite of the men, who do most of the work, and have the most active roles in the group, despite there being tons of opportunities for the women to be treated as people- not just well, "women". Does that make sense to you?)

Have you ever noticed how in most movies, women often get a make-over in order to get the man they like to notice them? How women are often always the same slender body shape? Never a hair out of place, always shaved and have pristine practically plastic looking skin (because they have no blemishes or scars or anything!)

It's a stigma that reinforces that all that matters about women are her looks.

The patriarchy is extremely bad for both women and men, in a sense that

for women, it is demeaning and controlling

To further explain this I’ll elaborate a bit, women must be flawlessly beautiful, but must not show they "worked for it". There's a reason there are a ton of "natural make up tutorials" eveeeerywhere! (No seriously, youtube that shit, it’s overwhelming!)

Because women know we can't look like we're wearing make-up, otherwise we get "called out" about it, like it’s a bad thing! (Phrases like "Are you gonna go out with someone?" or "You're wearing too much make up, you look better with nothing on." imply that the only sole reason women would wear make up is to impress men.)

You know how some men will say "Girls shouldn't wear make up, we like natural beauties!!"- It's the same thing, the patriarchy has men believing women do everything for them.

It applies to basically everything, men feel entitled to have an opinion over women's lives and a woman's opinion does not matter because the patriarchy says she isn't smart enough to know what she wants. (Whoa someone call Robbie Thicke and tell him his misogyny is showing in his “Blurred Lines” song!! [Which implies that women don’t know what they want sexually, therefore the lines are blurred and men can sexually harass and rape them because THEY know what women want.])

A wonderful example of this is the beloved "Friendzone"

The friendzone is a term used when a man is "doting and kind and caring" to a woman and when he is refused any kind of romantic/sexual advance from her part- she is a cold hearted asshole for refusing him-- how dare she refuse a "nice guy"?!

This is extremely problematic because again, it implies, that women cannot have any taste and choice in who they choose to become romantically involved with and that men in turn are incapable of being nice because they expect a reward for their good behavior, kind of like a dog. [Quite problematic for both sides as you can see!!])

for men, the patriarchy is problematic because it basically says you’re an emotionless raging boner with no self control.

For example, you can't cry or care or show any type of emotion other than anger occasionally- otherwise you're "bad" (?????????) (Ever heard the phrase “man up” in sporting events particularly? Boom, patriarchy making men feel shitty about their emotions since the late 5th century right there- you can thank the Roman empire!)

The patriarchy also states that men have no control over themselves, that they're kind of like wild rabid beasts (which is so horrible,


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