Colegio Pbro “Juan de Dios Andrade”
Enviado por Wuilmary28 • 14 de Enero de 2017 • Examen • 6.901 Palabras (28 Páginas) • 213 Visitas
República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Ministerio del poder popular para la educación
Colegio Pbro “Juan de Dios Andrade”
Valera, edo. Trujillo
[pic 1]
Nombre: Wuilmary Muñoz
Sección: 5to “A”
Número de lista: 29
Technology is the set of scientifically ordered technical knowledge what enables us to design and create goods, services that facilitate the adaptation to the environment and the satisfaction of the essential needs and desires of mankind. It is a word of Greek origin, formed by art, technique or trade, that can be translated as dexterity) and lodge (the study of something). Although there are many technologies that are very different from each other, it is common to use the term technology in singular to refer to all of them, or also to one of them. The word technology can also refer to the theoretical discipline that studies the knowledge common to all technologies, and in some contexts, to technological education, school discipline with the familiarization with the most important technologies.
Name, common, feminine, singular, unappreciated, intermediate-frequency word
Verb, indicative, singular, 3rd person, present, simple, active, intransitive, auxiliary ser, word of high frequency
Article, determinant, masculine, singular, maximum frequency word
Verb, indicative, singular, 1st person, present, simple, active, transitive, lexical, very low frequency word
Preposition, maximum frequency word
Adverb, modal, positive grade, intermediate frequency word
Adjective, in positive, masculine, singular, pronominal, intermediate-low frequency word
Name, common, masculine, plural, without appreciative termination, intermediate-high frequency word
Name, common, masculine, plural, without appreciative termination, intermediate-frequency word
Conjunction, subordinate, substantive, maximum frequency word
Verb, indicative, plural, 3rd person, present, simple, active, transitive, lexical, intermediate-frequency word
-us to design
Verb, infinitive, simple, active, transitive, lexical, intermediate-frequency word
Conjunction, coordinate, copulative, maximum frequency word
Verb, infinitive, simple, active, transitive, lexical, intermediate-high frequency word
Name, common, masculine, plural, without appreciative termination, intermediate-high frequency word
Name, common, masculine, plural, without appreciative termination, intermediate-high frequency word
Conjunction, subordinate, substantive, maximum frequency word
Verb, indicative, plural, 3rd person, present, simple, active, transitive, lexical, intermediate-frequency word
Article, determinant, feminine, singular, maximum frequency word
Name, common, feminine, singular, without appreciative termination, intermediate-low frequency word
-to the
Contraction, masculine, singular, very high frequency word
Name, common, masculine, singular, without appreciative termination
Maximum conjunction, coordinated, copulative, frequency word
Article, determinant, feminine, singular, maximum frequency word
Name, common, feminine, singular, unappreciated, intermediate-frequency word
Preposition, maximum frequency word
Article, determinant, masculine, singular
Adjective, positive, masculine, singular, pronominal, intermediate-frequency word
Name, common, feminine, plural, without appreciative termination, intermediate-high frequency word
Conjunction, coordinate, copulative, maximum frequency word
Name, common, masculine, plural, without appreciative termination, intermediate-frequency word
Preposition, maximum frequency word
Article, determinant, feminine, singular, maximum frequency word
Name, common, feminine, singular, without appreciative termination, intermediate--low frequency word
-It is
Verb, indicative, singular, 3rd person, present, simple, active, intransitive, auxiliary ser, word of high frequency
Numeral, determinant, feminine, singular, cardinal, maximum frequency word
Name, common, feminine, singular, without appreciative termination, intermediate-high frequency word
Preposition, maximum frequency word
Name, common, masculine, singular, without appreciative termination, intermediate-low-frequency word
Name, common, masculine, singular, without appreciative termination, intermediate-frequency word
Adjective, positive, feminine, singular, postnominal, intermediate-frequency word
Preposition, very high frequency word
Name, common, masculine, singular, without appreciative termination, intermediate-frequency word
Name, common, feminine, singular, unappreciated, intermediate-frequency word
Conjunction, coordinated, disjunctive, high frequency word
Verb, indicative, singular, 1st person, present, simple, active, intransitive, lexicon, very low frequency word