- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Agente de Carga Internacional Schenker oFicial

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International Freight Forwarder Schenker

Trabajo de Investigación Pre-Grado

Rojas Huamán, Jordy Alexander

Taype Mejia, Ericka

Urbano Chonta, Kevin Joel

Villacrez Peña, Joaquina

Teacher Evelyn Avellaneda

Lima, Perú,

Junio del 2017


Foreign Trade Operator        4

Definition        4

International Freight Forwarder        5

Definition        5

Requirements, Authorization y Accreditation        6

General Obligations        8

Specific Obligations        10

General Infractions        10

Specific Infractions        11

Authorized Economic Operator        12

Definition        12

Authorized Economic Operator Certification        12

Definition        12

Advantages        13

DB Schenker around the world        13

Schenker Products        14

Land Transport        15

Air Freight        16

Ocean Freight Products        18

Contract Logistics        21

Lead Logistics        23

Special Products        23

Schenker Peru SRL        25

Case Study        26

Conclusion        27


The importance of the good performance of international relations in the development, political, commercial, cultural at the global level it is essential for the attainment of the integral development of nations.

There is no single nation can be considered self-sufficient itself and does not need the support of other countries, even the richer nations need resources of which lack and that by means of negotiations and global agreements meet your needs and gaps in other areas.

Therefore, today the development of foreign trade emphasizes the importance of the international exchange of goods around the world and in the international physical distribution of logistics that this process requires.

Likewise, in this essay we will present a general panaroma of which is an AUTHORIZED ECONOMIC OPERATOR. It is considered to be any natural or legal person, authorized by the National Intendency of Management and Customs Control, which participates directly or indirectly in the revenue operations and outputs of the goods, whose responsibility is to ensure the safety of processes and operations to perform. After this, we will analyze in a more specific way the INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDER, is the company or sole proprietor that carries out freight forwarding services for the Customer in the extent determined by the contract and these Terms and Conditions and all the legal successors of such a company or sole proprietor. In this chapter we will discuss also the requirements, general and specific obligations, general and specific infringements of the international freight forwarder.

In order to better understand the previous chapter, we will put as an example the Schenker freight forwarder. In this chapter, we will present the history of Schenker, the products and services offered by the freight forwarder, and we will also talk about of the certifications that have the company (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and BASC).

Finally, with the purpose of better understand how it works the freight forwarder, we will put a case of study like example a Bill of Lading.

Foreign Trade Operator


De acuerdo con La Ley General de Aduanas (2008):

Son operadores de comercio exterior los despachadores de aduana, transportistas o sus representantes, agentes de carga internacional, almacenes aduaneros, empresas del servicio postal, empresas de servicio de entrega rápida, almacenes libres (Duty Free), beneficiarios de material de uso aeronáutico, dueños, consignatarios y en general cualquier persona natural o jurídica interviniente o beneficiaria, por sí o por otro, en los regímenes aduaneros previstos en el presente Decreto Legislativo sin excepción alguna.

De acuerdo con las Disposiciones Generales en la Autorización y Acreditación de Operadores de Comercio Exterior (2016) “Los operadores que intervienen en los procedimientos aduaneros previstos en la Ley, el Reglamento y demás normas aduaneras, son responsables administrativa, tributaria, civil y penalmente del cumplimiento de sus obligaciones.”

De acuerdo con las Disposiciones Generales en la Autorización y Acreditación de Operadores de Comercio Exterior (2016) “la Intendencia Nacional de Gestión y Control Aduanero (IGCA) tiene la Facultad para autorizar y revocar a los operadores.”

In summary, a foreign trade operator, it is considered any natural or legal person authorized by the National Administration of Customs Control, and management participates directly or indirectly in operations of income and outputs of goods, whose responsibility is to ensure the safety of processes and operations that make. Due to the activities of each are in permanent relation with customs for the realization of the different customs offices planned in customs legislation and are responsible for administrative, tax, civil and criminal proceedings of compliance with their obligations. 

De acuerdo con las Disposiciones Generales en la Autorización y Acreditación de Operadores de Comercio Exterior (2016) “Son los operadores de comercio exterior, agentes de carga internacional, autorizado por el Ministerio de transportes y comunicaciones (MTC)."

International Freight Forwarder


De acuerdo con La Ley General de Aduanas (2008):

Agente de carga internacional es la persona que puede realizar y recibir embarques, consolidar, y desconsolidar mercancías, actuar como operador de transporte multimodal sujetándose a las leyes de la materia y emitir documentos propios de su actividad, tales como conocimientos de embarque, carta de porte aéreo, carta de porte terrestre, certificados de recepción y similares.


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