- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Aquatic Ecosystems Of Northwestern Of Mexico

Enviado por   •  20 de Octubre de 2014  •  532 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  763 Visitas

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Aquatic ecosystems of northeast Mexico

Bogs or marshes

Marshes or bogs are a type of wetlands that are formed in flat areas with stagnant shallow waters. There grow aquatic vegetation sometimes very dense and there are different species of floating and submerged aquatic plants.

Map of bogs in mexico

Example: cuatrocienegas, Coahuila

Abiotic factors :

the sun

air : predominant in a northwesterly direction winds at the speed of 8 km / hr.

geographic Space

relief : 740 meters above sea level.

water, rain : (The climate in the municipality of Cuatro Cienegas is dry semicalid subtypes; the average annual temperature is 18-22 ° C.

Most rainfall occurs in the months of May, June, July, November, December and January while the frequency of frosts is 20 to 40 days and hail one to two days.

The climate is very arid desert region; ambient temperatures ranging from 0 degrees C in winter to over 44 degrees C in the summer.)

temperature : ambient temperatures vary between 0 degrees C in winter to over 44 degrees C in the summer.

the weather : very variable




Biotic factors: flora and fauna

Four marshes is considered an ecological reserve because there exists unique flora and fauna, endemic species such as cactus, nifies the blind fish, the hinge turtle and softshell turtles white.

Also inhabiting the place candelilla, guayule, Lechuguilla, governor and palm; at the top of the hills abound timber species.

Among the animal species include deer, bear, coyote, bobcat, fox, opossum, hare, rabbit, wild boar, weasel, badger, reptiles and arachnids.


(s.f.). Recuperado el 7 de octubre de 2014, de

Anahi090. (febrero de 2013). buenas tareas. Recuperado el 7 de octubre de 2014, de

Cuatrociénegas., H. A. (s.f.). Recuperado el 7 de octubre de 2014, de

Marsh, P. C. (s.f.). desertfishes. Recuperado el 7 de octubre de 2014, de

Quinones, M. (9 de febrero de 2011). ecosistemas acuaticos . Recuperado el 7 de octubre de 2014, de

Sea grass meadows

The sea grass meadows are dominated by angiosperm plants submerged under seawater. Sea grasses grow by attaching to different substrates such as mud, sand, clay and sometimes on the rocks.

Map: In Mexico


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