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Impact of migratory movements in Mexico and the World

Enviado por   •  6 de Febrero de 2017  •  Documentos de Investigación  •  2.576 Palabras (11 Páginas)  •  866 Visitas

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"Impact of migratory movements in Mexico and the World"

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  Migration is a population movement that consists of leaving the place of residence to settle in another country or region, usually for economic or social reasons, the search for a better life for a person or his family. Generally, the people who migrate the most in the world are those from underdeveloped countries, have an economic backwardness, have no industry, or have very little, low per capita income.

Armed conflicts in the Nicaraguan, El Salvador and Guatemala region have resulted in a migratory dynamic that causes a significant flow of population to the north and a political displacement that generates a large number of refugees.

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), international migration (year 2010) was a total of 265,845 people, both men and women, and more migration results in the years 2000, 2005 and 2010.

Mexico from its background has been considered a neutral country, since it is a place where many migrants live. Among them you can find Asian people because in Asia there is a lack of some resources such as vegetation, fruits and vegetables in South Korea are scarce and their price instead is too high, so they decide to migrate to Mexico; Since it is a country with more resources available, although there are also exceptions, since in our country there are also people who migrate to the United States, looking for work, because sometimes they consider that the jobs here are very low in Their wages and look for something better for them and their families. Emigration to South Korea began in the middle of the nineteenth century, in the form of a wave, one of those waves composed of 1033 people from urban areas such as Seoul, Inchon and su-won, arrived in Mexico in 1905 thanks to the policy Migrant workers from Porfirio Díaz who favored the arrival of Asian laborers in our country, people traveled to Mexico as field workers on the Yucatan haciendas in early 1990, and according to the 2000 census, there were 2,100 South Koreans residing in The country, according to data from the Korean census of 2009, there are 12,072 Koreans residing in Mexico. It is said that in Baja california, Jalisco, DF, Guanajuato, Chihuahua are of the states with more Asian residents.


• The search for a better life for a person and his / her family.

• Income disparities across regions.

• Labor and migration policies of countries of origin and destination.

• The social and political conflicts that drive cross-border migration.

• Degradation of the environment, including loss of cropland, forests and grasslands.

• Migration of young people with higher level of academic qualification.

These are one of the main causes, which force people to emigrate to other countries.

And we can realize that one of the main causes is "THE PAYMENT OF WAGES IN THEIR WORKS" since sometimes in the work a greater effort is made and by the end its salary is very pinoy and this is how this causes the Migration of a person to give the best to his family.

The armed conflicts that arose in the region of Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala, are a migratory dynamic that causes a significant flow of population towards the north and a political displacement that generates a high number of refugees, a situation that was regularized in 1987 with the realization Of the International Conference on Refugees, Displaced Persons and Returnees of Central America (CIREFCA) convened by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). CIREFCA proposes an action plan that is signed by the governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Belize and Mexico. Complementing this agreement, the Central American nations, signatories of the regional conventions that guarantee and recognize the right to asylum, offered the possibility to the population victims to request territorial asylum. The Salvadoran armed conflict causes a population exodus to one of its bordering countries, Honduras, where temporary populations settle, once the conflict is over, to return to their places of origin. The case of Guatemala is more complex; The population of that country, fleeing from terror, settled in the states of Chiapas, Quintana Roo and Campeche in neighboring Mexico. The Conference of CIREFCA and the negotiations of its representatives with the Guatemalan government allow the signing on October 8, 1992 of a Framework Agreement that defines the conditions of a collective return of the refugees, which begin on January 20, 1993 , With the installation of the first group in the municipality of Ixcán, El Quiché department. Between that time and January l7, 1997, when the Government of Guatemala and the Representatives of the Refugee / Returnee groups terminate the stage of refugee relocation in Mexico, of approximately 200,000 refugees, only return 65,379; The rest remain in Mexico and accept the legalization conditions that are offered to them.


Restrictions imposed by host countries have resulted in an increase in undocumented immigrants, who are people crossing any country without any documents, in order to be identified in the country they now reside as immigrants. The borders of destination countries, especially Mexico and its southern boundary with Guatemala and the north with the United States, have become itinerant cities where the most lucrative business is the "step" of clandestine, creating a series of irregular systems that seek Evade legal controls and barriers, establishing an undocumented and unprotected population.

To date, there is no available evidence to build a profile of the Central American emigrant population. The information available to the recipient or transit countries is only partial; This lack of data is due in part to the fact that immigrants are mostly undocumented. Only detention and deportation data are the basis for the statistics. According to available data, the population born in Central American countries and resident in the United States, has grown significantly. In 1980 the total was around 1.3%, while in 1990 it had become almost 5%. According to the annual booklet of the US Immigration and Naturalization Service, until October 1996, the illegal Latin American population residing in that country came first in Mexico, after El Salvador, and third in Guatemala.


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