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Script. Globalization and the labor market in Mexico

Enviado por   •  21 de Septiembre de 2016  •  Apuntes  •  482 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  161 Visitas

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M: Welcome everyone. Today we will have as a special guest, The Economist Jorge Hernandez, who brings us crucial information to understand a little more of globalization and how it is affecting Mexico in the labor market.

M: Good afternoon Jorge, it is a pleasure to greet you today. We mentioned earlier that Mexico is being affected by globalization to maintain two main features: generating opportunities and deterioration of the social and labor conditions. What we have more alerted is the labor market. Now Jorge, tell us what is globalization?

J: Thank you for the invitation, it is a pleasure to be here Mercedes. What is the globalization? Well, globalization is an inevitable phenomenon in human history that has brought the world through the exchange of goods and products, information, knowledge and culture. In the last decades, this global integration has gained speed dramatically due to the unprecedented advances in technology, communications, science, transport and industry.

M: Very well, then we understand that globalization is an inevitable phenomenon, and that has advantages and disadvantages depending on the country, which affects the opportunities, societies and the employment, but Mexico, what happens in Mexico with its labor market?

J: The economic outlook of the work and the tends of unemployment at the global level looks in the short term very complicated. In Mexico specific case, the impact of the crisis has been devastating, according to INEGI the Mexican economy has not been able to generate the total number of formal jobs required that is located in 1.2 million jobs annually.

M: this on the one hand, we understand that the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer, but what the other party?, Who are the instruments to carry out globalization?

J: This process has actors who whose main role is to take the leadership in the globalized world.

• The multinational companies, that are classified as the real engine of globalization.

• The international agencies that led by the IMF, WB, WTO, G-7, OECD, World Economic Forum. Its fundamental role is the configuration of the new world order.

M: Do not forget that we also have to:

• The regional economic blocs and global systems are the great allies of globalization, as are the European Union, APEC, Treaty of free trade in North America, MERCOSUR, CAN and ASEAN, among others.

J: and one of the most important are the State, which adopts monetary and fiscal policies of macroeconomic stability, contributed the basic infrastructure for the overall economic activity.

M: and this is a subject of never-ending, globalization is a reality in the world, is changing everything, those developing countries are losing jobs and those who are in the process of development are gaining jobs to a low salary. that until pity


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