Biology SL – Class Notes.
Enviado por Jose Miguel Arboleda • 5 de Septiembre de 2016 • Apuntes • 853 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 140 Visitas
Biology SL – Class Notes
4.1 Species, communities and ecosystems
E.I: The continued survival of living organisms including humans depends on suitable conditions.
C.1: Species & Communities
E.I: Community structure is an emergent property of an ecosystem.
Page 611 – 612
- Niche: each species play a unique role within a community because of the unique combination of its spatial habitat and interaction with other species.
- Competitive exclusion: specie out competes the other.
- Keystone species: such species are described as playing a critical role in maintaining the structure of an ecological community, affecting many other organisms in an ecosystem.
- Inorganic factors: this is important in the community because organic organisms depend on these molecules (Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen) for their growth
- Autotrophs: Produce their own food
- Heterotrophs: Get the food from other organisms
- Sustainability: nutrient availability. Detox of waste products.
4.2 Energy Flow
E.I: Ecosystems require continuous supply of energy to fuel life process and to replace energy lost as heat.
C.2 Communities and Ecosystems
E.I: Changes in a community structure affect and are affected by organisms
[pic 1]
- Flow of energy: energy comes from the sun, producers transform the energy and produce food for the consumers. Consumers then change and animals eat each other.
- Sun (light) > Plants do Photosynthesis and convert light energy into chemical > primary consumers turn chemical energy into ATP
- Energy is lost in between each trophic level.
4.3 Carbon cycle
E.I: Continued availability of carbon in ecosystems depend on carbon cycling
Storing Carbon (Pool) | Production - Release – Use (Flux) |
Carbon based Organisms Animals Plants Dissolved in a solution Carbonic acid and can disassociate and form hydrogen and hydrogen carbonate ions. | Carbon dioxide Carbon Monoxide Methane Combustion Respiration Photosynthesis uses and converts carbon into other forms and then stores it. |
- Flux: Changing carbon from one form to another [pic 2]
- Absorption of carbon dioxide: Carbon dioxide diffuses into autotrophs through photosynthesis.
- Methane can be produced by mammals and is oxidized into carbon molecules.
- Peat is made of dead organisms that need to be pressed and heated to form the basic fossil fuels.[pic 3]
- Combustion the product is carbon dioxide and when is not fully exploited it turns into mono.
- Mostly all organic materials can be used to be combusted.
- Limestone: calcium carbonate: organisms that have a lot of calcium in their bodies become carbonated (fossilized)
E.I: Changes in community structures affect and are affected by organisms
- Greenhouse gases: Carbon dioxide and vapour and methane and nitrogen
- Greenhouse gases can absorb heat and retain radiation
- Concentration of a gas and its ability of absorb long wave radiation
- Respiration and combustion add Co2 into de atmosphere
- Photosynthesis absorbs water
- Evaporation and transpiration add water into the atmosphere
- Precipitation absorbs water from the atmosphere
- Fraking and extracting fossil fuels add methane into the atmosphere
- Bacteria agriculture and vehicles produce nitrous oxide
- What makes a greenhouse gas a greenhouse gas? It retains heat (long wave radiation)
- The atmosphere absorbs about 20 – 25 % of the heat that comes from the sun
- The rest reaches the earth, most is converted into heat and the rest bounces back
- The industrial revolution is the perfect example of pollution and climate change due to the new amounts of carbon in the air
C3 Impacts of humans on ecosystems