- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ensayo de migración citicenz of the world

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Fernando Flores

Javier Irarrázaval

Citizens of the World

“Immigration in Chile and the myths that this entails”

According to the department of immigration of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security, "from 1982 to 2016 we have had a considerable increase in immigrants, from 0.7% to 2.7% of our total population, respectively. It's equivalent to 477 thousand people. " Numbers that reflect the people who have entered the country legally. In general it is estimated that there are a total of about 600 thousand immigrants in our country, it is projected according to the indices that this percentage will double in the next ten years


We must indicate why Chile has had this increase, this is mainly due to the strengthening of the economy, its growth and political stability, as well as the institutional consolidation, facts that may be relevant antecedents to decide to migrate to Chile.

There are several surveys that are constantly being developed for Chilean citizens to measure different contingency factors in our country and according to surveys conducted by Channel 13 television directly to immigrants who were asked: "Why Chile and not another country?" The majority of the respondents answered that economic stability is projected that no other country possesses, in addition several of them indicated that they mainly came for new job opportunities.

 It is precisely for this reason that in this essay I would like to ask myself two key questions: What myths about immigration are rooted in the Chilean population? Is immigration good or bad for society?

Chile has had a drastic change and often not all society is prepared to face, that is why many prejudices and established paradigms have been born "by inheritance of generations of our parents, fear and often by ignorance they put a label and start to underestimate ", Gastón González, head of training and awareness of the Department of Immigration and Foreigners (DEM)

Before exposing certain myths we must consider that Chile is a country that is inverse in a globalized world.

One of the first myths that I want to expose is "immigrants take jobs from Chileans"; in Chilean society there is a lot of talk about immigrants coming to "take them away", regarding the New Migration Law, said that "of the work quotas that are going to be released in the next 10 years, the Chilean workforce is able to cover only 35% ", Gastón González. So, from the institutional, demographic and economic point of view Chile needs migration, even many of the immigrants come to Chile to do jobs that the Chileans themselves are not willing to accept, so that's what I'm claiming, there are jobs, but we are not able to accept them due to the fact that many of them are difficult jobs to carry out as builders, garbage collectors, cleaning assistants, etcetera.


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